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Adding a Parent or Stepparent as Dependents on your Covered California Application

Covered California has released guidance on the rules and conditions for adding a parent or stepparent to your application for health insurance.

New in Benefit Year 2023: Parent and Stepparent as Dependents

Effective January 1, 2023, a new California law expands the definition of “dependent” for the purposes of enrollment in a Qualified Health Plan (QHP), to include a parent or stepparent of a qualified consumer. Rules for this benefit include that a dependent parent or stepparent must:

Additional questions regarding the IRS rules should be referred to a tax professional.

Please note: Qualified Dental Plans (QDP) are not included in this law.

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Rules That May Exclude Adult Dependent on Covered California

From the Covered California guidance, the adult child or stepchild must also be enrolled in a Covered California health plan. Some adult children, who have employer sponsored health insurance, had inquired about enrolling their parents – they take as tax dependents – in a Covered California health plan.

The guidance indicates that the adult child related to the adult dependents must also be a Covered California enrolled member. This would preclude adults with employer sponsored health insurance, Medi-Cal, or Medicare from enrolling their parents in a Covered California health plan with the subsidies based on the household income.

Additionally, from a strict reading of the guidance, adult dependents cannot be in a different health plan from adult child. With Covered California, we can normally split family members onto to different metal tier plans with different carriers. If we are to adhere to the above conditions, the adult parent or stepparent must be enrolled in the same health plan as their related adult child or stepchild.

See also: Parents Can Be Added To Covered California Health Plan for 2023

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