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Day 1 of 21 Day Challenge


22 February, 2012

Crystal called Wednesday morning to tell me I had been selected for the 21 day challenge and asked if I was willing to accept the challenge. I hesitated for a moment and then said, “Sure, I’m game.”

I had entered the contest on a whim. It was the “Hold Me Accountable 21-Day Challenge! February 2012” organized by Creating Answers in Sacramento, CA. 

Creating Answers is very excited to present the 1st Hold Me Accountable 21-Day Challenge! Here at Creating Answers we are dedicated to each and every one of our clients and strongly believe that ACCOUNTABILITY is one of the ultimate driving forces to SUCCESS! What does that mean for you: ACTION! , in a week Creating Answers will be choosing 1 lucky winner of the Hold Me Accountable 21-Day Challenge and we will personally support you in to taking action with your personal and business financial goals.

I had already started a rudimentary list of what I wanted to move forward on in 2012, but had not really solidified anything. The goals I submitted were:

1. Expand and fine tune my social media marketing plan.
2. Make my website a wealth of information and the hub of my marketing efforts.
3. Form strong connections with like-minded people for referrals and marketing support.
4. Get some professional videos done for my website.
5. Execute a direct mail campaign for the Medicare market.
6. Find and represent a Life Insurance company that aligns with my marketing approach.
7. Become more involved with supporting non-profits and other groups that do good work in Sacramento.
8. Expand my small group health insurance clients.

I certainly had my share of plans that were lost to inertia and distraction. But now I was going to be held accountable. When you are selling insurance 90% of your time is spent marketing. When you are an independent like me it is closer to 95%. Consequently, my goals are heavy on the marketing side.

My next task was to meet with Stacy Powell, owner of Creative Thinking, to put hard numbers and dates next to my goals. So now I needed to really think about what a realistic and successful goal would look like. That would be Day 2.

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