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Day 14 of 21 Day Challenge: Naked Marketing, Where’d I Put My Pants?

rope_challengeHow many times must I look at this mailer design? Why doesn’t ever look right? Why can’t anyone design a piece like I ask?

Direct mail post cards are also known as naked marketing. Naked because you don’t have to open an envelope. Boom, you pull your mail from the mailbox and the post card, in all its techni-color graphics and photos,  beams your message to the addressee.

Up until last fall I had decent luck with post cards promoting me to other businesses. Then it dried up. A thousand post cards sent and zero replies received. Was it the economy or the post card design? While I try not to get hung up on too many of the details, I do want my mailers to reflect my brand and personality.

For some reason, it has always been hard for me to convey, and a graphic design to depict, what I am looking for. Consequently, I end up doing it myself for the most part. Like an attorney representing himself, I might be the designer who has a fool for a client. But it looks good to me.

So I will fiddle around a little more on the design until I get tired. I will eventually send it off to be printed and mailed and wait for the response. In the mean time, where’d I put my pants?

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