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Day 17 of 21 Day Challenge: Compressed Time

rope_challengeThere are times when I yearn for the good old 8 – 5 job again. You go to work, take care of business, go back home. Rarely did I have to bring work home to fix a problem or meet a deadline. I am not sure if it is just regular business, the 21 Day Challenge or a combination of both that seems to have compressed my time into little slices.

With all the new marketing projects, on-going maintenance of current marketing, taking care of client requests and scheduling meetings, my time has been compressed. I have tasks that have to get done. So all the little bits of extra time get assigned a task, even if it is to jot a few notes before the next meeting.

I am pretty happy that I am being pretty efficient with my time. But to be perfectly honest, there have been some of those, “Oh sh_t, this ain’t gettin’ done tonight” moments sprinkled with a little, “Help, I’m drowning” sensations. Sometimes I wonder if these are the sort of issues my friend Jackie Dotson deals with at her business therapy practice in Sacramento. Of course, if I had the time, I would make an appointment to see her.

Please don’t hear me whining. I actually have a high tolerance for pain, low expectations and a world view of “tomorrow is another day.” The 21 Day Challenge has really focused me to get things done and stay on track. I am meeting one of my goals as I fly back to Detroit on Sunday for training with a company on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. It will be challenging to keep the blogging up to date as well as meet my customer’s requests. That is half the fun of life, rising to the occasion.

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