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Day 19 of 21 Day Challenge: False Advertising

rope_challengeIt has been a productive week within the 21 Day Challenge. I am on track to meet some goals, while others are proving more difficult to orchestrate. The Studio Center sent me the latest version of my mountain bike crash video and I am very pleased with their work and me.

Although, as excited as I am about the video, I know it won’t increase my sales. Videos on your website don’t increase consumer demand for your product. People watch videos for entertainment and information.

“So Kev”, you may ask, “Why are you spending the money on the videos?” The simple answer is ego. I know that I speak better, look better and act better than most of the phonies on TV. I can pitch my product as well or better than the Oxy Clean guy.

Since February 8, 2012, I have had 1,651 unique visitors to my site. Of those visitors, zero clicked on a link to get a quote and zero called me for a quote or information. If you really think adding videos to my site is going to generate sales, you are nuttier than Santorum and Bachman put together.

Don’t let any one tell you that videos are essential to making sales on the internet. Videos help get your site ranked higher in an organic search. They might even increase your ‘favorable’ ratings. I am not saying you shouldn’t have a professional video on your website, because you should. All I am saying is don’t expect videos to be the magic wand to sales.

However, I will actively discourage anyone from spending money on a networking class. I have seen several classes offered (attended some) for as much as $200 that promise to help you become a better networker at business events. These classes are full of false promises and advertising.

You were either born with the ability to network or you weren’t. You either have it, or you don’t. You take a class to learn another language, not to tell you what you already know. Here is a crash course in networking:

1. Dress your best.

2. Enter the room and immediately gravitate to the best dressed person there (usually me).

3. Engage in polite conversation and swap business professions.

4. If there is synergy, ask if you can call to set up an appointment.

5. Exchange business cards:

If you don’t have a business card, you failed.

            If you have a business card from Vista Print, you failed.

            If you don’t have address and email on the business care, you failed.

That information is what you’ll get out a networking class; please send me $100 at your earliest convenience. And if you can’t figure out the rest, you probably shouldn’t be networking. This sounds like the makings of a great video. Hey, it might go viral.

The only activity where I got more out than I put in has been the Creating Answers 21 Day Challenge. It’s all me. There is no one to blame but me if I don’t meet the goals.

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