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Day 20 of 21 Day Challenge: Finding The Right People To Work With

rope_challengeWhen was the last time you heard of a financial products institution supporting unions? Most people involved with insurance or large corporations are not fans of organized labor. I had the good fortune to meet a few good people today.

One of my goals in the 21 Day Challenge sponsored by Creating Answers was to:

I knew meeting these goals was essential to me enjoying my work. Central to my approach in sales is education. I thrive on reading and understanding arcane rules and regulations and then explaining them to people so they can make an informed decision. If, when I leave an appointment, the clients don’t have a better understanding of their benefits and future, I have failed.

It was with great pleasure that I was able to spend the day training with Mike Tolomei and Bill Merecki of the Federal Employees Retirement Services (FERS). Their focus is to help federal employees maximize their retirement benefits and savings. They are intimately familiar with the machinations of the Federal retirement system, which is nothing like pension plans for government employees in California.

FERS is also a big supporter of unions. Not just because their clients are in unions, but because they understand the important role unions have had in helping labor in America secure honest wages and benefits.

When you work in financial products or life insurance your goal is to work with people that have a million dollars in assets, at the start. FERS is dedicated to working with people that might have no assets in their savings plan. A large role for FERS is just explaining how the Federal retirement system works, how to leverage matching employer contributions and projecting what the client’s current savings will look like as a retirement benefit.

My relationship with FERS definitely puts my on the road to meeting the two above goals. I am also pleased with some of the changes to my website. While we still have a few more points to work on, I am getting close to making my website a central portal for information without it looking too corporate.

Right now I have some homework to get done for tomorrows training and thank lots of new twitter followers.

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