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Day 5 of 21 Day Challenge: Focus Groups And Social Media

rope_challengeWhere does inspiration come from? Today while I was out running on the trails around Folsom Lake I was inspired. It happened some where between when I tripped on the root and when I landed hard next to a thicket of poison oak. I thought, “I need to focus on the run and not everything else. Focus.”

One of my goals in the Creating Answers Hold Me Accountable 21-Day Challenge! February 2012, was 3. Form strong connections with like-minded people for referrals and marketing support. That was vague enough that if I didn’t make it happen, I can spin it into my favor. But that is not the point of the Challenge. The point is to be honest and set goals you can measure and achieve.

I have belonged to Chambers of Commerce, informal meet-up groups and organized referral groups with some really wonderful and talented people. But all of the groups that I have joined have always been lacking in areas such as commitment, support, or diversity. As I was focusing on the patch of weeds I was to falling into, I thought to myself, I really want to focus on helping other people achieve their goals…thud, groan.

I am not interested in starting another referral group. Referrals are natural by-products of relationships you form with other like-minded people. I am more interested in groups that focus on each of its members with the center piece being social media. It is so easy to support some one through social media interaction: re-tweet, Like the post, comment, guest blog, tag on Facebook, etc. Since I am employing social media so much in my marketing, I need to be around other people that are also interested in leveraging social media.

But there is more to marketing than just social media. There is also print, video, SEO, networkinig, radio and other avenues. I also don’t want limit any group to just small business people. There are some great bloggers, non-profits, and government agencies that can support other people and also need support to achieve their goals.

So I will create a loose outline and toss it like feathers in the wind with social media to see if any one is interested. I will let Stacey Powell determine if the responses I get fulfill meeting the fuzzy goal number 3.

The blog post outlining the concept and call for interested folks to contact me.

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