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Health Net stretches ACA open enrollment

Just as Covered California will continue to let Certified Insurance Agents enroll individuals and families in the new ACA health plans, Health Net of California will also accept new applications for enrollment. Applications for both Covered California and Health Net must be submitted by April 15th for a May 1st effective dates. This is only for new enrollment and not for plan changes between carriers.

Health Net still accepting applications

Health Net is still accepting applications for Off and On Exchange plans through April 15th for May 1st effective dates, 2014.

Health Net Payments Covered California

Health Net Off Exchange Payments

Health Net at 800-839-2172 to make this payment OFF Exchange Apps with Payment payable to “Health Net” – Health Net Individual & Family Enrollment, PO Box 1150, Rancho Cordova, CA 95741-1150. OFF Exchange Payments – PO Box 894702 Los Angeles, CA 90189-4702

Payment types Automatic Bank Draft (ABD)

Be aware of what checking each box on this form represents:

  1. ABD First month’s payment = HN will process for just the 1st month premium.
  2. Credit Card First month’s payment = HN will process for just the 1st month premium (No credit card option for ongoing payments).
  3. ABD Monthly premium payment = HN will process for all premium payments, but based on timing of form we may draw two months premium together.
  4. ABD First month’s payment AND Monthly premium payment = HN will process the one-time payment for 1st month premium and use the ongoing for all future months.

90 day grace period

Policies with subsidies have a premium payment grace period of 90 days instead of 30.  This grace period applies to future months only, not the Initial Payment.  The initial payment is still due on the 15th of the same month the policy becomes effective.

After initial 30 day period

During month 1, HN will pay claim. During month 2 and 3 of delinquency, the doctor should treat the patient as a “cash” patient and they have the choice of either seeing the member and having the member pay cash, or NOT seeing the member since they don’t have insurance.

Dental and vision

By sending in an application off exchange with your member number on it and include a note asking just to add Dental only that will be done but it will carry a future effective date- it won’t go retro.

Primary subscriber change

HN changed who the IFP Primary Subscriber is even though the rates
are the same. This can be changed, email Membership and ask for them to ref. the application and change primary subscriber back to JOHN DOE and on the subject line just put “Switch Primary within Family”  Please give them a member number or some kind of identifier. Send it into membership

Effective date mismatch

Subscriber wanted a 2/1 for this person but HN assigned a 3/1 due to HN or Covered CA’s processing time.  Send a request to “Effective Date Confirmation / Change Eff. Date” on the subject line and proof of fax confirmation or original email to HN and send to

Deductible roll-over to new plan type

If the move is from a PPO to a PPO OR from a HMO to a HMO then the
deductible/OOPM will rollover. However, if between HMO/PPO it does not. Note some plans don’t have deductibles.

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