After I entered the Social Media Madness competition sponsored by my local Sacramento Business Journal, I realized I didn’t have a strategy to win. The winner gets to donate $7,500 to their favorite charity. Since it is late in the game I will just go with guilt: if you love me you’ll vote for me.
Pick Me! Pick Me!
Actually, I didn’t know the whole competition would be weighted so heavily towards a popularity contest. I was never voted most popular in high school so my prospects are pretty dim here as well. Although the 2 new twitter followers I picked up last week (one was a porn site and the other was Australian company selling diet pills) will surely count for something.
Don’t rain on my parade or burn down the house
For me, social media is all about content. If you like my content, my
message, my engagement then you are apt to follow, share, comment, retweet, like or friend me. Isn’t that the true measurement of social media reach, amplification, and network? If I was truly playing to win I would have put special note on the blog posts about the Capital Pride Festival that received 387 views or Firefighters Burn Institute Fundraiser that was viewed 180 times, “Now that you have viewed this blog post and pictures, go vote for me at social madness and if I win I’ll donate the money to the Sacramento Gay and Lesbian Center and the Firefighters Burn Institute.”
Cheating on sex
Don’t get me wrong, I fully acknowledge the old sports adage, “If you aren’t cheating you’re not trying to win.” Unfortunately, I am a horrible cheater and I always got caught. Competition is good and this is a first of its kind social media tournament. We are all going to learn something from it. I learned that if you blog about sex you get lots of page views, likes, retweets and new followers: Sex & Circumcision
This is my lame call to action
So now I would like all the non-profits that I have worked with to call me.
What could you do with $7,500? Show me some love. Go to >>Social Madness and vote for Insure Me Kevin I’ll be at the bottom of the page with like 3 votes. That’s not cheating is it? 🙂