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The intersection of faith, politics, science and current events.





I started PolyRel because he loved reading about other people’s faith view and religious experience. I believe that when we learn about how other people view their faith and incorporate it into their life, we gain a better appreciation and understanding, not only about the religion, but the person as well.

After coming to the conclusion that religious faith or ethical principles are necessary and important

All religious faith perspectives are welcome at PolyRel

in a person’s life, I wanted to encourage people to share their faith and what it means to them. PolyRel was a forum that people can express their faith view without having to worry about being judged or threatened as may happen in normal social discourse.

The goal was to have the contributors to PolyRel define the direction of the website. There was no agenda other than helping people get their faith view out in the world so others may see their unique perspective. All essays were welcome from all faiths.

Unfortunately, I didn’t have many submissions and I have had to let Polyrel fade into internet history. All the posts that were on the Polyrel website have been transferred to this website. I will still write about religion and will gladly accept submissions from other people about their faith perspective.

Check out some of the posts…

Is Beetle Bailey Gay? Or just supporting the Troops

Catherine’s House HIV/AIDS Retreat and Organic Farm

Sacrament of Gay Marriage Comes to Trinity Cathedral

President Obama Doesn’t Look Like Jesus

Boycott Russian Olympics to Support Gay Rights

Edward Snowden reduced to illegal status

Love your neighbor as yourself, Support health care reform

The ideological battle in Egypt

Will Mormon missionaries start trolling Facebook for recruits?

Verbal Terrorists hide in anonymous comments

Comparing Eric Holder to Ashcroft and Gonzales

Hell bent on Benghazi, GOP ignores CIA Karzai cash

Why did Tsarnaev return from Russia? Second Amendment

Fox News headline contradicts truth of story

Women are too dumb to make life decisions

What I wrote to my son about Iraq war

Science, Religion and the Sacramento Experience Church

Baptismal Identity

Catholic Bishops lecture Supreme Court over the evils of gay marriage

Jesus Chant stops robbery

Demi-God Lance Armstrong Dethroned

Stranger was fiction…how do you greet strangers at your door?

Could God have stopped Newtown?

Yoga makes you a sinner

The Bible persuaded me not to circumcise my son

Is Morsi Egypt’s new religious dictator?

Sacramento Fremont Presbyterian Church, not in my backyard

Curing Olives and the Soul

A Christian for Marriage Equality

Texas Cheerleaders for Christ’s Football Team

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