As you know, I am one of the rare health insurance agents who support healthcare reform and the Accountable Care Act. The private health insurance system currently in place in the United States fails to adequately extend affordable health insurance (and in turn, healthcare) to many middle class working families. The healthcare reform legislation passed in 2010 was built around our existing healthcare providers and insurance companies.
Supporting seniors, families and employees
With the Affordable Care Act, we are on track to strengthen Medicare and extend affordable health insurance to all Americans. The law, in my opinion, is not perfect. There have already been changes and I am sure there will more changes in the future. That is the way the system works.
We know that when employees have adequate access to healthcare, their productivity and efficiently increases. This translates into more revenue and profits for the employers. We also know that government programs, like the Part D Prescription program, can be more efficient than first thought and actually cost less money to administer.
Pragmatism over idealism
When I look at how healthcare reform is structured and the complexity of the integrated system, I must naturally support political candidates who are open to fixing potential problems and willing to be objective about all options for improving healthcare reform. After having detailed discussions with Reginald Bronner, candidate for the 6th Assembly District, I came away with the distinct impression that he understands the issues facing consumers and businesses with affordable health insurance.
Regy Bronner is a pragmatic gentleman and understands that to impose one’s ideological constraints on any one issue is to invite disaster. “Healthcare is a necessary service that will be used at sometime in everyone’s life,” Mr. Bronner told me. “And it is important that people have access to affordable quality care.” In order to keep healthcare affordable, Mr. Bronner supports the initiative, Insurance Rate Public Justification and Accountability Act, which would allow the California state Insurance Commission to review and reject excessive health insurance rate increases.
California Legislature will shape healthcare
Even though local state elected officials don’t directly impact national regulations, the states will have a great deal of discretion on how the state health insurance exchanges, outlined under the ACA, will be implemented. We must remember that in the absence of any federal regulations, all states are solely responsible for their insurance regulations. For instance, July 1, 2012 California will require all health insurance policies to cover maternity benefits and treatment for autistic children. For these critically important issues, it is important that we elect someone like Reginald Bronner to the Assembly.