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Taglines and slogans.

Whenever you start a new business you have to think about marketing. Inevitably, you are asked to to boil down your inner business self into a one sentence tagline.

I hate taglines. They sound so phony and contrived. Many are the brain-child of some marketing company that has no clue as to what you or your business does. They are created to put forth the ideal of what you want people to think you do, but are not really sure. I went so far as to toy with the idea of a tagline in latin so people knew I had a tagline, but would not understand it, but they might determine that I was erudite because I knew latin, which I don’t.

However, a tagline, if done well, does convey a sense of the person or company’s mission. It took me a while, and I might still change it, but I have settled on “Walking with you, side by side, from start to finish”. Because, that is pretty much what I do. I am in no rush (walking) to help you make a decision. I work with the client as an equal (side by side). While I know my products, I am just a regular person with the same questions and problems as everybody else. Finally, it is my job to see the transaction through until the end (from start to finish). Often times all the forms, screens, e-mails, features, caveats, etc., become overwhelming for even the strongest. I want people to know that I will not abandon them to finish a sometimes cumbersome process.

It is kind of a dorky tagline. But it is me and maybe I am little dorky too.

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