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What keeps me going…

This evening I had the joy and privilege of helping an immigrant family, with english as a second languange, buy health insurance for their son. It may sound odd, but it felt great to help this family navigate through the computer screens of the on-line application, explain all the features and benefits of the plan and really develop a trusting relationship with them.

This is why I got into the health insurance field. I know lots of agents that would not even go into the neighborhood. To be sure, I am not any sort of saint, I just like helping people. These folks are working hard and they understand the value of health insurance eventhough they are all perfectly healthy.

Health insurance is probably unnecessarily complicated and confusing, but it is the system we have in America. To be perfectly honest, I believe everyone is entitled to health insurance. If our populace is healthy, then we are all more productive and happy. Who does not want to see their neighbor healthy and

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