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Conservative voter guides distort candidate positions

Some folks believe America’s foundation is the Holy Bible.

The Republican Party may be near dead in California, but conservative groups have filled the void to rally the faithful. As a candidate for the Placer County Office of Education Board of Trustees, Area 1, I recently received a questionnaire in the mail from Public Awareness (501c3) in Rancho Cordova. This was followed up by an email and phone call encouraging me to fill out their candidate questionnaire.

Whereas I am all for getting as much information to the voting public about candidates as possible, this questionnaire smacked more of litmus test than anything else. From the email I received –

Dear Candidate,

Public Awareness (501c3) is a non-partisan, non-profit educational group that compiles and distributes 35,000+ voter guides about the views and values of candidates seeking office to organizations through the Sacramento region.


A.  Budget Deficit Should Be Resolved by: 

1.      Cutting spending.

2.   Cutting spending and looking for new sources of revenue.

2.      Borrowing to cover the shortfall.

3.      Looking for new sources of revenue.

B.  Budget Deficits In California Were Created by: 

1.      Overspending.

2.      Unsupportive business climate.

3.      Conditions outside the State’s control, e.g., poor economy.

4.      Under-taxation of individuals and business, particularly of the rich.

C.  On The Issue Of Abortion:

1.      I oppose abortion in all cases except for threat to the life of the mother.

2.      I oppose abortion except in the case of rape, incest.

3.      I personally oppose abortion, but support the legal right to choose abortion

4.      I support a woman’s right to choose an abortion.

D.  On The Issue Of Marriage:

1.      I believe marriage is only between one man and one woman.

2.      I believe marriage is between one man and one woman and support civil unions for other relationships.

3.      I support domestic partnerships or civil unions with all the benefits of marriage.

4.      I believe marriage should be open to any two consenting adults.

E.  Firearms – Conceal & Carry Permits

1.      Shall issue as long as basic safety requirements have been met.

2.      May issue if applicant shows a reasonable need.

3.      May issue if applicant shows a good and compelling need.

4.      May issue if significant bond posted.

F.  Health Care

1.      I believe the free market should determine private health care insurance options.

2.      I oppose taxpayer funded universal health care.

3.      I support an individual mandate to purchase commercially available health care.

4.      I support a universally-accessible, publicly-administered health insurance option.

G.  Education:  Which statement best describes your position on diversity education?

1.      Schools should exclusively focus on academics.

2.      Teachers should have the freedom to discuss with their class diversity and alternative lifestyles.

3.      Curriculum should teach students about diversity and alternative lifestyles.

H.  Education:  Which statement best describes your position on public education funding?

1.      I support maximum flexibility for parents through vouchers and/or tax credits they can use for charter, private, or home schooling.

2.       I support our public schools but think charter schools should also be strongly encouraged.

3.      I support improving school performance is through intra-district transfers and “parent trigger” laws.

4.      I believe we should focus on our public schools, and that alternatives like charter schools and private school vouchers just drain resources from our neediest students.

Thank you for HELPING US HELP YOU to get the word out about you and your views on these vital issues!  Your prompt reply will be greatly appreciated.


After reading the questionnaire I decided to do a little investigation about Public Awareness. As best as I can determine, they are an arm of The Public Awareness campaign comes from their Public Awareness Ministries. The first lines of the Public Awareness Ministries information states:

Dear Judeo-Christian Leader,                                

Do you perceive that we’re in a spiritual and cultural war, where life, marriage, liberty, and America’s Biblical foundation are under attack?

Well, I think I have read far enough to know that my positions will not gel with their twisted view of “culture war” in America. I would surmise that the Republican Party in California wouldn’t have anything to do with their “Biblical foundation” so they had to create their own non-profit.

I am fairly certain that if I answered their questions truthfully they would certainly mark me with the sign of the devil in their voter guide and admonish the voters that a vote for me would surely be their ticket to hell.

Was this photo an accident or the hand of God announcing the arrival of his son?

To the good folks at Public Awareness, thank you for the invitation to participate in your non-partisan, but highly socially conservative, candidate questionnaire. I will use your self-addressed stamped envelope to send a donation to my favorite liberal cause or candidate. Oh, let’s see, I think President Barrack Obama needs a donation.


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