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Justice Scalia wants to save children from homosexuals

Justice Scalia worries about children raised by evil homosexuals.

Justice Scalia worries about children raised by evil homosexuals.

Justice Scalia could see that Mr. Cooper’s arguments in support of California’s Proposition 8 constitutional amendment, defining marriage as solely between one man and one woman, was sinking. Short of stepping down from the bench to argue against same-sex marriage, Justice Scalia tossed a softball hypothesis of the danger to children raised by homosexual parents.

JUSTICE SCALIA: Mr. Cooper, let me — let me give you one — one concrete thing. I don’t know why you don’t mention some concrete things. If you redefine marriage to include same-sex couples, you must — you must permit adoption by same-sex couples, and there’s -there’s considerable disagreement among — among sociologists as to what the consequences of raising a child in a — in a single-sex family, whether that is harmful to the child or not. Some States do not — do not permit adoption by same-sex couples for that reason.

JUSTICE GINSBURG: California — no, California does.

JUSTICE SCALIA: I don’t think we know the answer to that. Do you know the answer to that, whether it — whether it harms or helps the child?

JUSTICE SCALIA: But that’s a possible deleterious effect, isn’t it?

Homosexual devil parents

Scalia reverts to the old witch hunt tactics to argue against same-sex marriage. You could see that he wanted to hold up picture of adopted children that had become depraved by satanic-like homosexual parents. Justice Ginsburg tries to bring some sanity to the oral arguments hijacked by Scalia by interjecting,

JUSTICE GINSBURG: It wouldn’t be in California, Mr. Cooper, because that’s not an issue, is it? In California, you can have same-sex couples adopting a child.

Don’t bother me with facts 

But Scalia was having nothing to do with reality and wasn’t going to let factual arguments stand in the way of his crusade to expose homosexuals for the deviants he believes them to be.

JUSTICE SCALIA: I — it’s true, but irrelevant. They’re arguing for a nationwide rule which applies to States other than California, that every State must allow marriage by same-sex couples. And so even though States that believe it is harmful — and I take no position on whether it’s harmful or not, but it is certainly true that — that there’s no scientific answer to that question at this point in time.

God displaced by science 

Scientific answers. Scalia has found new religion in science. He knows that he has lost the battle against same-sex marriage on a moral and equality issues, so like a good climate change denier, he resorts to scientific evidence. While there may be no scientific studies showing any deleterious effects of being raised by same-sex parents, there are encyclopedias of information showing how abuse and neglect by opposite-sex parents destroys the lives of children.

Save the children from the heathens 

I expected to Scalia to stand up and yell, “Think of the children! Think of the children! Dear God, what about the children?” That would have been a perfect cap to a pitiful performance of a Supreme Court Justice trying to argue for a case that he is supposed to be adjudicating.

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