While many businesses have had to shut their doors due to the restrictions to reduce the spread of the covid-19 corona virus pandemic, I am fortunate to work from home. This means I can still answer your insurance questions by phone or email. For my clients, I am still able to call health plans or Covered California about issues or problems on your accounts. For new clients, I am able to enroll you in an individual and family plan, Medicare, or Medi-Cal directly from my computer.
Covered California Extends Open Enrollment
Covered California has extended open enrollment for health insurance for individuals and families who were unaware of the new California individual mandate penalty. People in off-exchange plans, paying the full rate with no subsidy, may also enter Covered California and potentially be eligible for either federal subsidies or the new California premium subsidy assistance.
Medi-Cal Open All Year
Medi-Cal enrollment is open all year. You do not need a qualifying life event, such as the loss of a job and employer-based health insurance, to qualify. If your household income for adults is below 138 percent of the federal poverty level on a monthly basis, you can be determined eligible for no cost Medi-Cal. Medi-Cal Income Tables
Loss of Income Covered California
If you are currently enrolled in a Covered California health plan with the monthly premium subsidy, and you have recently had your hours reduced or have had your employment terminated, you can report a change of income. If the lower monthly income is below 138 percent of the federal poverty level for adults or below 266 percent for children, you can be determined eligible for Medi-Cal and reduce your monthly health insurance premium costs.
Medicare Enrollment
If you are turning 65 and have become eligible for Original Medicare, you can enroll in a Medicare Supplement, Medicare Advantage, or Part D prescription drug plan directly online. The most significant piece of information you need is your Medicare Claim Number that is on your Medicare card. With that bit of information, there are many health plans, drug plans, and supplements that we can enroll you into directly over the phone. You will need a computer and email in order to receive certain documents to electronically sign for the enrollment.
Of course, you should thoroughly research all your different options before making any changes to your current health plan or enrolling in a new plan. It is all about Education Before Enrollment. You can call me anytime, or send me an email, and I will try to answer your questions. Sometimes this requires us to chat on the phone for a while, but I don’t have to visit your home, meet you at a closed café, and you don’t need to travel to my little home office. I’m open for business.
I was recently able to travel to the grocery store for the essentials. While all the toilet paper, hand wipes and pasta were sold out, there was plenty of coffee. With my coffee, I can talk on the phone for hours.