Videos related to history produced by Kevin Knauss. You can visit my YouTube Channel InsureMeKevin to review all the videos I have posted.
Ashland Station: Myth, Folklore, or Folsom Fact?
Exploring the 1890 Granite Cut of the Negro Hill Ditch
“The Chinese Boy,” a book by Kevin Knauss
Last Years of the North Fork Ditch
Visiting The 1855 Dam Site of the North Fork Ditch at Tamaroo Bar
Letters From Rattlesnake Bar Written In 1855
Chinese Population Along American River 1860
Leidesdorff Land Grant Tour up to Folsom
1898 Lawsuit, Folsom Power House vs. North Fork Ditch
Folsom Lake: Hiking from Mormon Island Dam through Red Bank, Browns Ravine, up to McDowell Hill.