Few people outside of the North Fork Ditch Company knew or understood how much work Loring K. Jordan put into the water system. He took over a fragile water canal, and in the face of increasing water demand, was able to keep the water flowing.

Kevin Knauss: Health, History, Travel, Insurance
Posts by Kevin Knauss not related to health insurance or other categories, usually editorials, travel essays, food, pictures and maps.
I am very pleased with the electric LED fireplace insert and installation. Even when not in operation, the whitish birch logs reflect the ambient light for a nice distraction. There no longer a black hole in the corner of the room. To view the installation and other reasons why we wanted to replace the old gas log, watch the video below.
On top of the non-disruptive behavior, teachers have become utterly addle brained when trying to address the child by their chosen pronoun. Many teachers have broken down in tears being forced to say the plural ‘they’ when referring to a singular child. This cruelty to our teachers must stop and school districts are stepping up to put children back into the gender role chosen by society and stamp out the virus of progress.
It was wrong for government employees to use the n-word on official maps. Those people perverted history by inserting their bias against Black men and women. I’m not sure why the public display of the n-word was left in the exhibit that I visited. Perhaps, it was an oversight. I hope it was not a rationalization that the handwritten note of the n-word on the map was somehow historic in nature. While racism is historically significant, as historians we do not have to promote it in a public exhibit.
The mining industry was dominated by Chinse men. Of the 2,655 men claiming to be miners, 48 percent were from China. Men who came from a European country comprised 29 percent of the miners and 21 percent were born in the United States. Of the European miners, 304 listed a birth as Ireland, 141 from the United Kingdom, 99 from Portugal, 81 from regions within Germany, and 79 men of French birth.
The Salmon Falls census tract included the region known as Negro Hill. However, there were very few men or women of color recorded by the census taker in 1860. I’ve transcribed the census pages for 6 other townships in Sacramento and Placer counties for 1860 and this is the first instance I’ve come across where the census recorder listed a person’s color as mulatto. Clearly, the mulatto color designation is subjective relative to the census recorder. In the Salmon Falls census there are 19 persons listed as Black and 12 as mulatto. Of the mulatto individuals, 6 were children all under the age of 6, all born in California.
Accompanying this very suggestive Map are several views on the Central Pacific Railroad, which still further illustrate the difficulties encountered in its construction. The first of these represent the Chinese laborers at work on the road up the Sierra Nevada. The Central Company has over 10,000 of this race in its employ. The picture gives some idea of the Herculean nature of the work of tunneling and excavating through the solid granite of the mountains.
The view above represents the fine and substantial bridge across the American River at Leslie’s Ferry. It was commenced in the spring of 1851 and completed in the month of September of the same year. It is the largest and most substantial structure of the kind in California, being 620 feet in length, 25 feet in width, and 30 feet above low water mark.
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