When it comes to keeping Certified Enrollment Counselors (CECs) informed about updates and changes, Covered California has been doing a great job. I only wish the communication was as good when it comes to keeping Certified Insurance Agents (CIAs) current with information. The September 10th Community Partner Webinar has lots of good information that is as applicable for CECs and CIAs. Download the presentation slides at the end of the post.
Hospitals by plan by region
The most pertinent piece of information provided in the presentation slides is a short list of major hospitals associated with each health plan by region. With the new narrow networks that the PPO and EPO carriers have imposed, it has been difficult to easily determined which hospital networks are now aligned with which carrier. While the table of the hospitals by plan by region is handy, Ive noticed some questionable attributions of hospitals to health plans, so always call or search the online provider list of the carrier if there are any questions.
Top secret Certified Enrollment Counselor tips
Included in the presentation are observations from Covered California. These observations are based on fact but also have a quality of steering enrollment from one carrier to another. Overall, the rate and plan observations are better than some of the information printed in the Covered California 2015 Health Plan Handbook. One of the observations for people receiving subsidies in Region 10 San Joaquin Valley-
For those looking to shop for a lower rate within their Tier, Anthem is often the plan to look at. Those currently in Anthem are usually already in the lowest cost option. page 13
This is pretty good information. If it is good enough to give a CEC, its surely good enough to give a CIA and probably very important to tell all consumers.
CECs getting paid for Medi-Cal enrollments
We learn from the presentation that Covered California received 147 applications for the $16.9 million Navigator program. As of August 2014, Covered California has paid $2.3 million to Certified Enrollment Entities (CEE) for APTC qualified health plans and $1.1 million for Medi-Cal enrollment payments. Each CEE has a budget to purchase marketing material to SELL Covered California such as pop-up shade tents, table top branded cover and literature.
CEC training information can help CIAs
In general, these presentations for the CECs are packed full of information that is just as useful for CIAs. Even though some of the material is CEC specific, there is usually lots of other good information that doesnt seem to get distributed to the agent and broker community.
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