It what seems to be a core principle of Covered California, they have sent out another confusing letter, this time regarding the Learning Management System and agent certification. In a relationship where agents take nothing for granted when it comesto Covered California, hundreds of certified agent called the SHOP line to inquire if they were being decertified.
Agents confused if they are being de-certified over LMS inactivity
The focus of the email was to warn agents who had started the certification process but had yet to complete it, that their account would be closed after six months of inactivity. Even though the correspondence had a disclaimer that current certified agents weren’t effected, it was sent to all agents regardless of certification status. Because agents have come to expect illogical IT problems from Covered California, it was not beyond reason that Covered California would inadvertentlyde-certify current agents. Why else would CoveredCA send out notification to an agent unless their certification was on the chopping block?
Dear Agent,
We show that you have been inactive in our Learning Management System (LMS) for the last six months. Having not completed the training requirements for certification with Covered California, this notice is to advise you that we will be inactivating your LMS account effective Tuesday, June 24, 2014. Please note: if you are already certified, this change will not affect your account access to the Agent Portal.
Clear and concise correspondence
Whoever drafts the correspondence needs to take a course for writing in a clear and concise manner. One could construe from the text that because a certified agent hasnt been to the LMS in six months, he or she may lose their certification, but retain access to the agent portal. This confusion could have been avoided by not sending the email to certified agents. If an agent is certified, this confusing Covered California email has no bearing on his or her status according to staff at Covered California.
New training seminar
Almost as if they were in cahoots Covered California, Claremont Agency announced they were hosting aJuly 10thtraining seminar to become certified. While all of us certified agents could use a mid-year training review, let’s hope no currently certified agents feel they need to attend because of the confusingCoveredCAletter.
Where’s the system updates?
So much has changed with the CalHEERS system since it was launched in October 2013 thatregular updates on system changes and enhancements should be sent to current agents on a regular basis. The staff at Covered California has developed a wealth of information about how to properly navigate the enrollment system for different household situations that they should share that with the agent community. Just household member changing jobs, getting a new job or adding a newborn requirescertainspecific changes to the household applicationthat are not spelled out by Covered California.
Full letter on LMS sent to agents
Dear Agent,
We show that you have been inactive in our Learning Management System (LMS) for the last six months. Having not completed the training requirements for certification with Covered California, this notice is to advise you that we will be inactivating your LMS account effective Tuesday, June 24, 2014. Please note: if you are already certified, this change will not affect your account access to the Agent Portal.
If you are still planning to pursue your training and/or take your certification exam, please contact the [email protected] to be reactivated. We hope you will consider becoming certified with Covered California in the future.
Although you will no longer have access to the LMS, you can revisit the training material at any time by visiting the agent page at Please note that this change will not affect your agent account with Covered California. Thank you.
What do you mean by inactivating?
By being made inactive in the LMS, means we are suspending your LMS account until you choose to pursue certification with us. Please note that we keep all of your information, past training history, and course completions entirely intact; this information is never deleted. If you require clarification of the Agent certification process, please review ourAgent High Level Timeline which explains the process taken to become a Certified Insurance Agent.
Why are you inactivating my account?
Due to the high level of interest in certification, we must make room for the number of member accounts that are actively in the process of completing their training in the LMS.
Wait! I havent finished my training yet!
If you have not yet completed your certification training and/or exam and wish to remain “active” in our system, please contact the [email protected]to be reactivated.
What happens when I need to be activated again?
Its a simple switch of a button! Contact us to be reactivated, and we will help reset your login and access your account.
Well, rarely is anything as simple as “switching” a button at Covered California.