Consolidated Communications refuses to help consumers who choose not to use their crummy little rental modems.
There is nothing worse than being lied to by a customer service representative. This routinely happens to any Consolidated Communications (formerly Surewest) customer when they call and request assistance with configuring a new wireless ADSL modem router that the consumer purchased. The customer service representative will inform the caller that Consolidated’s Internet service only works with Consolidated’s wireless router modems. I’ve installed several Netgear wireless ADSL modem routers when the Internet Service Provider was both Surewest and Consolidated.
Consolidated continues to lie about WI-FI equipment
I don’t think the customer service representative realizes they are telling a lie when they say, “OUR Internet service will only work with OUR equipment”. They are only parroting what they have been told by management. Of course, if they know the truth and perpetuate the myth, they are just as guilty as the guy that developed revenue enhancing marketing falsehood.
Land line telephones are dying
When a consumer like me wants Internet through my telephone line, I have to add that service with existing telephone company. Like most people, we don’t use our telephone line for actually talking to people, that’s what mobile phones are for, we use the antiquated copper cables running into our home for Internet service. For a company like Consolidated who is seeing their land line revenue stream slowly melt away to mobile, they will pounce on any attempt to boost their monthly income.
Rental equipment boosts revenue
The revenue boost comes from renting wireless modem routers to consumers. This wouldn’t be too bad if the Wi-Fi routers they use weren’t such a piece of junk. My experience has been that they were small, over-heated, and smelled of burning plastic. Back in 2012 I went out bought a Netgear wireless modem router I was fortunate to find a person at the phone company to give me the specific codes to enable the router to work with the telephone company’s Internet service. That doesn’t happen today.
Consolidated’s routers smell like burning trash
Today when you call, a customer service rep will only say that Internet only works Consolidated’s wireless modem routers, even after I’ve explained that I’ve installed Netgear routers before. I ran into this brick wall while trying to help a friend install a Netgear router to replace the Consolidated router that smelled like a heap of burning trash when it got warm. She couldn’t bear to work in her home office the smell was so bad.
Consolidated offers no help
Installing a new wireless modem router has never been “plug-n-play” in our telephone service area. And Consolidated doesn’t make it any easier, even if their rental equipment is pre-programed. The router manufacturers have caught onto the game these phone companies play by dissuading consumers from purchasing off-the-shelf equipment and continue with the rental equipment. In the Netgear installation manual they say,
Be very specific when speaking with your DSL Internet service provider. For example, you could say: I need my DSL service user name and password. Can you help me? Note: If your provider says they do not support Netgear devices, tell them you need only your DSL user name and password; you do not need support.
Technical setting for Consolidated Internet
Unfortunately in my area, we need more than just the user name and password. There are certain settings and number that must be entered into the program of the Netgear wireless modem router in order for it to send and receive data over the Consolidated phone lines. I don’t know if these settings will work for all Consolidated customer in the Roseville area. But at least it will give you basic information so that when you call for assistance you can ask for the correct information. This information closely mirrors some of the Netgear online support pages for modem router installation. Review the pages from their online documentation to learn exactly where you find the fields to enter the specific data below. This information will stay the same, but as new routers are introduced the settings screens may change.
Basic Consolidated ADSL modem router settings
Does Internet require a Login -> NO
Account and Domain Name are left BLANK
IP Address should be marked: Get Dynamically from ISP ->YES
Domain Name Servers (DNS) Address
Check mark: Use these DNS Servers ->YES
Router Machine Authorization Code (MAC): set to USE DEFAULT
Usually on a separate page from above
Multiplexing (usually a drop down menu box) select -> LLC BASED
VPI = 0
VCI = 34
When I put this information into the setting of the wireless router modem they have always worked on either the Surewest or Consolidated Internet service through the telephone line. There has got to be some rule or law that prevents telephone companies from lying the way they do regarding their wireless modem routers. They are lying to enhance their revenue from the rental of inferior equipment. They should have to give full support to any consumer who wishes to upgrade their equipment and not use the telephone companies rental modems.