Aside from the enumerable website issues of both and Covered California, perhaps the largest problem of the ACA open enrollment centered around accessible and reliable information concerning how to enroll for the new ACA health plans. California health agents and brokers, who were handling hundreds of client enrollments each, bore the brunt of this information vacuum. The virtually palpable frustration of agents and brokers to get sound information from either Covered California, Medi-Cal or the health plans was the spark to create the California Health Agents’ and Brokers’ Guild.
The new role health agents and brokers
The Affordable Care Act has forever changed the role of health insurance agents and brokers. Certified Insurance Agents must become experts in the CalHEERS enrollment system and understand all the rules governing the Advance Premium Tax Credit which entails knowledge federal income tax regulations, immigration and naturalization status and the mysterious workings of Medi-Cal in all 58 counties of California. One of the goals of the CalHABG is to become a repository of such information for agents, brokers and the health insurance consumers to draw upon.
Historically, a guild was and organization of artisans or merchants dedicated to protecting and enhancing the quality of their work and services. A guild is also a community. By virtue of being a licensed health agent you are part of the community. All communities become stronger when more of the members participate and contribute. At this point there is no plan to charge any fees or dues to become an “official” member of the California Health Agents and Brokers Guild. Youve already paid your dues by surviving open enrollment. The creators of CalHABG are content to let the agent community light the future for the website and any formal organization.
Crowd sourcing contributions
No one agent can monitor all the different sources of information with regards to individual, family, and group insurance. Similar to crowd sourcing solutions to complex problems, I invite you to make suggestions on content you want to see and referrals to content you find helpful. While CalHABG will never replace having to search the Covered California or carrier website for information, it can certainly be helpful resource for downloading EOCs, SOBs, or IRS documentation and links. CalHABG will also entertain creating videos, webinars or other leaning tools to support the agent community serve their clients.
Guild goals
The central theme of California Health Agents’ and Brokers’ Guild is to support agents helping their clients. A larger goal is to help the agent community amplify their collective voice for better training and enrollment tools from Covered California. The agent community was the big producer for Covered California enrolling 39% of all households. We did this in the face of dwindling compensation and little knowledge of the important Medi-Cal component.
Agents are unique
Agents are the only representatives that can not only enroll an individual, family or small group into a health plan through Covered California, but agents and brokers also advocate on behalf of their clients to the health plans variety of issues from billing to claims. Agents and brokers dont get to walk away from their clients after enrollment. They are there to upload documents and make changes to household size and income. With a quick phone call or email, clients can contact their agent to get information about health plan providers, Summary of Benefit, and Evidence of Coverage documents. Agents and brokers are unique in this level of customer and knowledge
What we are not
The guild is not a political organization. The website isn’t a forum for rants against the ACA or praise for health care reform. The CalHABG website is not a platform to promote any one agent, general agent or carrier. The California Health Agents’ and Brokers’ Guild doesn’t seek to subvert or replicate any other agent organization.
The future
Currently to road map is to provide as much educational and resource material content as possible on the website. You suggestions are welcome. Your expertise is welcome. The health insurance landscape has changed under the new rules of the ACA. CalHABG is a small tree that if watered and cared for will provide shade and fruit for all the dedicated agents and brokers who seek to serve their clients to the best of their ability.
Contact us with your thoughts and suggestions