Scott hanging out by the 16 car after talking to gathered supporters.
A political campaign is really similar to a car race. It doesn’t matter how fast you go or how much money you have; you can’t win if you can’t finish. Race car drivers that consistently win are steady, in shape, have a plan and are supported with a great pit crew. From talking to Scott Alvord in his quest for a Roseville City Council seat, it sounds as if he is prepared.
Scott is down to earth, pragmatic and willing to work with anyone. He has had to tromp through the city bureaucracy enough with his own businesses that he understands the daunting challenges small businesses face. As focused as he is on the plight of small business, he certainly grasps the importance of the larger employers within the city.
However, a sustainable and livable city can’t exist on business alone. I have been impressed with
the variety of community and non-profit organizations that Scott has been involved with. It is obvious that he has a spirit of giving back to the community to support those who had supported him in his youth.
Occasionally you meet a person that you know you can work with. Scott is one of those folks. I have the feeling he is eager to roll up sleeves and get his hands greasy working on the engine that is the City of Roseville. Scott may not be the fastest and he may not have all the money, but you can bet that he will finish the race.
***A big shout out to Rebecca Johnson, who I didn’t get a picture of, but who was instrumental in the evening’s refreshments.