Nonprofit service providers and organizations are the players in our philanthropic symphony.
Philanthropy sets in motion a whole series of events that culminate in symphonic performance. Not unlike the music in a symphony, philanthropy creates a tapestry of services that both enrich and bind the community together.
Listen, what is your community asking for?
The composer for the philanthropic symphony is the community itself. Where there is a need or a vision, community members write the notes of the music score. From environmental preservation, assistance to the less fortunate, scholarships or supporting animal welfare, they all are part of the sound that must be played and heard.
Practicing the art of care
When we can see the music score as defined by the community, the players can then be assembled. Nonprofit organizations toil diligently to perfect their different parts of this community symphony. From the smallest piccolo player organizing a community garden to the large percussion section helping shelter and feed the homeless, they all play their part to create a fabric within our communities.
On beat and in tune
Our musical philanthropic performance is facilitated and loosely conducted by local and national foundations. Services identified by the community are fostered and supported with grants administered by foundations. These grants help the nonprofits perform their work and address community needs. Similar to a good conductor who confers with both the musicians and composer, foundations work closely with nonprofits and community members to create the best performance possible.
Please take your seats
Alas, where would our symphony be without an audience or patrons? A symphony without an audience is like the sound of one hand clapping. It is the philanthropy of the community that enables the players to perform their parts. When all is in place, the sound of the music resonates within the soul of the community. A well played philanthropic symphony helps bind the entire community together with a shared experience of music and service from the heart.
Philanthropy amplifies the music
The most wonderful part of this philanthropic symphony is that anyone can play a part and you don’t need special training. From volunteers at the nonprofit level to philanthropic gifts to put the symphony in motion, no one is denied admission. We are all actually tasked with helping make the music by being a neighbor and community member. You may have notes to write, an instrument to play or become an invaluable patron to the work with a philanthropic gift. Regardless of your participation, the community symphony needs your participation to complete the performance.