.Covered California states that they started processing the 2016 1095-As as of January 5, 2017. The form should be in the consumer’s Covered California account Summary>Documents and Correspondence>CalNOD62A_IRSForm1095A_2016 by the end of January. The form should also be mailed out to consumers at the address listed for receiving mail.
Posts related to the Advance Premium Tax Credit subsidy 1095-A from Covered California and the federal income return.
How is the 1095-A monthly ACA tax credit calculated?
The 1095-A Health Insurance Marketplace Statement doesn’t give a clue on how the Monthly Advance Payment of Premium Tax Credit is calculated. Even though consumers who purchased health insurance through the Marketplace entered their Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) into the enrollment system, this income in not listed on the 1095-A they receive. The MAGI […]
The silver lining for repaying excess ACA tax credits
One of the common complaints during tax season for individuals and families who are set to receive a federal refund is that the government got to use their money for a year before refunding it to them. Now, households who have to repay excess ACA tax credits find themselves in the situation where they got to use a […]
What’s a 1095-A SLCSP from Covered California?
Individuals and families who purchased health insurance through Covered California or another Marketplace exchange will receive a 1095-A statement of tax credits and one column will be marked SLCSP. This odd acronym stands for the Second Lowest Cost Silver Plan and is instrumental in determining the specific household Premium Tax Credit. What is affordable health insurance? […]
Getting a corrected Form 1095-A Marketplace Statement
2015 1095-A Corrections For 1095-As that report incorrect information Covered California has switched from a paper form to an online submission form or call the service center at 1-800-300-1506. Covered California 1095-A Dispute Form The online 1095-A correction request form is great if it sends a copy of the submission to the consumer via email […]