When the Chinese boy is taken from her and given to the Chinese woman, who claims to be the mother, Ruth Anne spirals into suicidal depression. A smart and ingenious boy, he finds a way to escape back to his home with Caleb and Ruth Anne. His return is only temporary as the sheriff returns and takes the Chinese boy back to Sacramento to live with the Chinese woman. Ruth Anne travels to Sacramento and works with an old acquaintance to secrete the boy onto a train to San Francisco and a safe environment.
1860 Census Reveals Chinese Prominence in South Placer County
1860 Census data confirms the prominence of Chinese immigrants along the North Fork Ditch in Placer County. U. S. born residents were a minority.
Chinese Mining and Labor on the American River, 1858 – 1868
The description within the receipt also provided information on the wage rate. For white laborers, the daily rate was $2.50. Chinese labor was paid at $1.50 per man per day. I created a spreadsheet to compare the Chinese labor costs to that of white labor employed by the American River Water and Mining Company. Where the number of men and daily rate was not specifically mentioned, I imputed the daily rate by the total dollar amount. For example, Ah Sune was paid $13.50 for nine days work on cleaning out the Fox’s Ravine ditch in the Rose Springs district. Nine days times $1.50 per day comes out to $13.50.