The federally subsidized Pre-Existing Insurance Plan (PCIP) authorized and funded by the Affordable Care Act will stop accepting new applications as of March 2, 2013.

Kevin Knauss: Health, History, Travel, Insurance
Post related to pre-existing conditions and health insurance coverage.
The federally subsidized Pre-Existing Insurance Plan (PCIP) authorized and funded by the Affordable Care Act will stop accepting new applications as of March 2, 2013.
We all contribute to social security and medicare..whether were 18 or 25 or 55. We all will be consumers of health care…why would we exclude anybody from the responsibility of taking care of our collective health?
Kathy RobertsonSenior Staff Writer For The Sacramento Business Journal reports: A subsidized state health insurance program for individuals with preexisting conditions has lowered premiums an average of 18 percent, effective immediately. That means a 40-year-old Sacramento resident with heart disease will pay $289 per month instead of $332. A 60-year-old with a preexisting health condition […]
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