A new virus sweeping our nation’s classrooms is childhood transgenderism. With no warning from the CDC or Dr. Fauci, scores of children infected with the virus are questioning their gender identity. Boys are acting like girls. Girls are acting like boys. Teachers report chaos in the classroom as students demand respect for their gender preference.

Teachers Must Tattle On Trans Kids Creating Chaos In Classroom
We are finally seeing school districts clamping down on the chaos created by trans kids in the classroom. The social disease of gender curiosity has swept across the nation, infecting children who think kissing is still gross. While masks and school uniforms were briefly considered, school boards have decided to go nuclear by informing parents what they should already know about their children.
School Boards are empowering, some would say weaponizing, teachers to tattle on children to their parents about their disruptive trans behavior. Boys identifying as girls are no longer fighting and getting sent to the principal’s office for a paddling. Girls are acting like boys, pulling pony tails, and wearing pants to school.
On top of the non-disruptive behavior, teachers have become utterly addle brained when trying to address the child by their chosen pronoun. Many teachers have broken down in tears being forced to say the plural ‘they’ when referring to a singular child. This cruelty to our teachers must stop and school districts are stepping up to put children back into the gender role chosen by society and stamp out the virus of progress.
School Boards Annointed by God Herself
Once upon a time, school boards were made up of parents with vague notions of education from their hazy memories of youth. Many parents ran for the school board hoping they could sneak a lunch at the cafeteria like they do when they visit Costco. The school boards of yore were mainly apolitical and agnostic. Fortunately for our secular public school district, a wave of cultish evangelical Christians decided to run for the school boards with the hope of introducing prayer in schools.
The new breed of school board members, warriors for Christ, are tackling this new social virus of enlightenment that is infecting school children causing them think. Young students infected by the virus have started to exhibit traits of an autonomous individual reasoning questioning long established stereotypes of male and female. The only correct course of action is to mandate that teachers rat out the children to their parents. It is the way teachers can regain control of the classroom from renegade children expressing legitimate questions about their life.
These authoritarian minded school boards, anointed by God herself, understand that children are the property of parents. They are like farmer Fred’s cows who wandered into his neighbor Paul’s pasture. Paul calls Fred and tells him to round up the cattle and fence them in before sending them off to the slaughter house. Parents, like teachers, are fragile creatures. We cannot have children with wandering thoughts thinking for themselves.
Now that the school boards have a grown a spine, like a lizard regenerates its tail, we can expand the teacher tattling program. Too many children are wandering away from their parent’s desperate attempt to mold them in their own image.
Expand Tattling Program, Cut Theater
Teachers need to report to parents if a child of lapsed Christian parents may show an inclination to learn about another religion. If a Christian kid attends a Jewish school club meeting, they need to be reported. (However, if a Jewish kid is Christian-curious, most school board members would welcome another convert to their evangelical church.)
If a child of a staunchly Republican household is caught attending a Young Democrat Club meeting, report them! Can you imagine the shame the parents will experience if the community learned their child was a Democrat. Better dead than Red.
Other stereotypical infractions that need to be reported to parents:
Girls who play tetherball at recess instead of hopscotch or joining gossipy cliques.
Boys who would rather read a book than play on the monkey bars at recess.
Girls who would rather play basketball than be on the cheerleading squad.
Boys who would rather join a band than play football. Because Friday night football is more important than Sunday church. If a boy does not want to play football, then they have become seriously messed up in the head, even without receiving a concussion from a hard tackle.
In addition, to stamp out the exploding trans movement, school boards need to review their curriculum and excise any material that might trigger a young person’s mind to think.
All foreign languages should be banned. There is no need to promote the morally bankrupt regions of Spain, Germany, France, or England. The one foreign language that should be permitted is Gaelic. Any country that can stomach eating haggis is worthy to be emulated as a prime example of a patriarchal society.
Certain mathematical concepts should be subtracted. There is nothing normal about binomial relationships. And the mathematician who coined the term trinomial was obviously a sexual pervert.
Chemistry should be encouraged because it has brought us important discoveries for the advancement of world such as nerve gas, nitroglycerine, gun powder, herbicides, and pesticides.
Theater? Well, school plays are just a petri dish of social bacteria that grows and infects the children with wild ideas about life and equality.
Band would be permitted only if the music rehearsed and played are marches by John Philip Souza. If there are enough students in a school to comprise a string orchestra, that is telltale sign of subversion in the community.
Gay Marriage and Divorced Parents
We all know what is driving the social trans virus infecting our children in elementary school. It is gay marriage and divorce. Mary has two mommies and Danny has two daddies. Children of gay parents need to be sequestered so their deviant household concepts do not infect the children of morally uptight evangelical Christian parents.
For the good of the classroom, we also need to separate children that come from broken homes where a divorce has occurred. Now that a majority of the elected school board members are parishioners of fundamentalist Christian churches, they understand that divorce and remarriage is a legal liberal construct for adultery. Why on earth would we want sanctified children mingling with kids who live in an adulterous house?
The good news is that school boards, once comprised of rational and tolerant parents, are being replaced with acolytes of pithy biblical adages like, “spare the rod, spoil the child.” The sanctified brethren of school board members will stop the social virus of trans kids by weaponizing teachers as surely as their church pastor’s have convinced them they will be able to tear down the wall that separates church and state.