Pure and simple, the mortgage interest deduction (MID) helps sell houses and that’s what real estate agents do, sell homes.

Kevin Knauss: Health, History, Travel, Insurance
Posts related to coverage, prescription medications, benefits and providers under health insurance plans.
It’s like walking into your grandmother’s house at Christmas. Your senses are bathed in the familiar and comforting. There are wonderful aromas, beautiful decorations, family hugs and great treats to eat. Add to the sensory experience the rituals of loving and giving and we begin to understand the power of an enveloping religion. When you […]
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It started as that little twitch in the back of my brain. With the impending birth of our son, did I have all the bases covered? We had the crib, baby clothes, reams of diapers, baby bath tub, high chair and all the other accoutrements associated with a new born. But I was still grappling […]
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