The quality of one’s life is not altered by the state in which the person resides. Neither the victim nor the perpetrator is any less of a human being by living in one state over another.
Health Care Insurane Coverage
Posts related to coverage, prescription medications, benefits and providers under health insurance plans.
Lunatics and liberals running government
I guess you could say that the lunatics and liberals have created health insurance options for normal people in California and the United States.
Emergency Rooms: gift from God
Only God, in Ryan’s eyes, can bestow rights upon Americans.
Gravity stays down to earth helping youth
At its heart, Gravity will always be about helping foster children, homeless youth and emancipated minors with navigating life’s maze to build a successful future.
Insurance companies find dollars in your colonoscopy
The confusion over the colonoscopy billing is detailed in a new report Coverage of Colonoscopies Under the Affordable Care Act’s Prevention Benefit.
U.K. Aviva health plans offer features U.S. wants
Even with socialized medicine, the U.K. still has a competitive private health insurance market place. For those folks that want some expanded coverage, discounts for staying healthy and not filing claims, health insurance plans like that offered by Aviva would seem like a natural choice.
Yappy Hour with Home Buddies
This casual gathering was hosted by Home Buddies of Roseville pet sitting service and VibraPet Foods.
VSP threats for government pie work
After Lynch’s threats to decamp from Sacramento and move to a state that really loved him surfaced, local leaders and politicians put the screws to the Exchange.
Medical Loss Ratio should include commissions
Even though entry level base commissions have been cut, insurance companies have not abandoned all monetary incentives for their outside sales representatives.
UC Davis, SARTA awarded $1 M to reinvent the wheel
It highly unlikely that this AgStart-Tech-Center of innovation will be able to add much to California other than becoming another impoverished program begging for tax dollars every year.