Religious freedom does not extend into our secular public market place where business practices are governed by laws preventing discrimination and promoting the public good.
Health Care Insurane Coverage
Posts related to coverage, prescription medications, benefits and providers under health insurance plans.
Blue Shield of California Adds Plans With Maternity and Autism Coverage
With the introduction of the new Blue Shield plans, we are getting closer to consumers being able to compare apples with apples.
Pre-existing Conditions: From Decline to Rate Increase
For this pre-existing plate he will automatically have a rate increase of at least 10% over standard rates on an individual plan for life.
Dental Insurance: What Does It Cover and Do I need It?
If you visit your dentist regularly, have no history of dental problems and are comfortable with what your yearly dental expenses are, there may little incentive or need to purchase dental insurance. Dental insurance comes in several different flavors and toppings.
Prescription Drug Plan Cost Overestimated by CBO. Healthcare Reform Also?
This paper shows the folly of constructing any argument solely around cost projections. Both the Congressional Budget Office and President Bush over estimated the cost of funding the Prescription Drug Plan.
How Will Healthcare Reform, ACA, Impact Small Business Group Health Insurance?
Small businesses will not be under the employer responsibility requirement if they have fewer than 50 employees. I don’t expect small, medium or large businesses to jettison their existing group insurance plans.
Pre Existing Insurance Condition Plan is a Failure?
It was not their fault that they are cancer survivors or have a chronic illness that is managed. The people I have helped enroll in PCIP own small businesses and get up and work everyday.
Health Insurance Companies Embrace Healthcare Reform Benefits As Marketing Tool
Health insurance companies have lovingly embraced healthcare reform and want to shout the good news on billboards.
Accountable Care Organizations Sprouting From Healthcare Reform
The ACO looks like a hybrid between a traditional PPO and HMO plan. While the plan member has some freedom to select different doctors, there are deductible and copay incentives to sticking with service providers in the ACO.
What is an Employee Wellness Program and how can my business benefit from one?
Businesses have learned they can help slow their health insurance rate increases, increase productivity and promote happier, healthier employees with an effective wellness program.