Essentially, by letting my kid eat Nutella any time he wants I have failed to protect him from foods that aren’t as healthy as they may seem.
Health Care Insurane Coverage
Posts related to coverage, prescription medications, benefits and providers under health insurance plans.
Government Regulations and Laws Save Businesses Millions
It is difficult to argue that the regulation that all cars have seat belts and air bags combined with the law that occupants must wear seat belts has saved health insurance companies millions of dollars in claims.
How do I find the cost of outpatient medical services?
How much does it cost to have a baby in Sacramento, have knee surgery, MRI or simple office visit. The Anthem Blue Cross cost comparison tool may help pinpoint some answers.
Damaging Disclosures About Healthcare Reform?
The disclosures that Grace Marie Turner writes about are not damaging at all. In my opinion, it is a sign that our government is working in a manner to address unforeseen consequences of any legislation.
Healthcare Reform Will Increase Productivity For U.S. Businesses
A 2005 study by the Commonwealth Fund showed that, “[L]abor time lost due to health reasons represents lost economic output totaling $260 billion per year.”
Emergency Rooms: The New Debt Collection Office
Can you really blame the hospitals for being aggressive about collecting debt? Even non-profit hospitals need money to pay the bills.
Just What Is A Small Group Health Insurance Plan?
In California you can get a small group health insurance plan if you have a minimum of 2 employees working full time in either a business or non-profit organization.
California Autism Coverage To Begin July, 1, 2012
SB946: This bill requires that all health plans and policies provide coverage for behavioral health treatment for pervasive developmental disorder, applied behavioral analysis (ABA) or autism.
Individual and Family Plan Health Insurance Comparisons, California
Occasionally you may want to do some window shopping, see what’s available and compare prices. Feel free to get quotes for you or family from my quoting engine. I will NOT call you.
Dietary Supplements and Healthcare Reform
Is there is any support for natural remedies and dietary supplements in the Healthcare Reform provisions?