Dr. James G. Hinsdale, president of the California Medical Association (CMA), recently speculated in an opinion published in the Sacramento Bee , July 2, 2011, that passage of AB 52 would restrict patient access to doctors and hospitals and result in more crowded emergency rooms. His logic is that regulated health insurance premiums will lead to reduced […]
Health Care Insurane Coverage
Posts related to coverage, prescription medications, benefits and providers under health insurance plans.
AB 52 would regulate health insurance rates
From healthcal.org By Matt Perry As health insurance premiums continue to escalate, consumer groups and patient advocates are asking the California Legislature to regulate the price of coverage. Yet outspoken opponents — including health insurers, doctors and hospitals — claim that rate regulation may not lower rates and could instead harm the quality of care […]
Health Care Reform, not perfect, but…
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), better known as health care reform, is slowly being implemented starting last September, 2010. As with any legislation, it is not perfect and upon closer inspection and reflection needs some adjustments to work as intended. The intention is to get affordable health care insurance to all Americans. The […]
Anthem lowers small-biz rate hike
June 20, 2011: Anthem lowers small-biz rate hike http://t.co/4wNxt5T via @Sacbiz
Medicare Educational Presentations
Medicare Educational Presentations Narrated Power Point presentations on the basics of Medicare: Parts A, B, & D Who is the audience for Medicare Educational presentations? Children of parents in or entering Medicare eligibility. People already in or transitioning to Medicare. Anyone who wants to know more about how this important health insurance program works. Medicare Educational […]
Health Insurance Sucks!
Health Insurance Sucks!So you are out getting some exercise walking in the neighborhood when a rogue dog starts chasing you. The dog’s owner calls him off but not before you trip and bang up your knee and ankle. As you trudge over to urgent care you feel ‘OK’ knowing you have health insurance. Then the bite, […]
Don’t Leave The House
One afternoon I was with my ‘Sales Leader’ working with a couple applying for health insurance, when I noticed that we were missing a document. I started to excuse myself to go out to the car and retrieve it. The ‘Sales Leader’ shot me a look, raised his hand and said in a whispered voice, […]
Blue Shield of California Pledges to Limit Net Income to 2 Percent of Revenue Published on Tue Jun 7 10:24:44 PDT 2011 /PRNewswire/ — In a bold move to address the healthcare affordability crisis, Blue Shield of California Chairman & CEO Bruce Bodaken announced a pledge today that Blue Shield will limit its annual net […]
Medicare Melancholy
There is perhaps no consumer item as highly regulated in terms of product and marketing as health insurance for the 65+ year olds, also known as Medicare. The Center for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) regulates marketing materials down to the size and type of font. All literature, advertising, marketing events, telephone scripts must be approved […]
Deductible Dilemma
Nothing causes as much consternation when reviewing health insurance quotes as the size of the deductible. Do you choose a high deductible to reduce your premium or select a low deductible to reduce your exposure to unexpected high medical costs? The deductible within any insurance policy serves a couple of purposes. First, you are shouldering […]