A single adult can now have a monthly income of $1,732 per month and retain their Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) Medi-Cal. The higher monthly income, an increase of $55 over 2023, is based on 138 percent of the federal poverty level.

Kevin Knauss: Health, History, Travel, Insurance
Posts related to California's Medi-Cal program, specifically MAGI based, income eligibility, enrollment, costs, children, Covered California.
Starting on January 1, 2024, assets, such as bank accounts, cash, a second vehicle, and homes, will no longer be counted when determining Medi-Cal eligibility. Income and income from assets, such as income from property, will continue to be counted. If you’re already a Medi-Cal member, this rule applies to you now, and you don’t need to report assets during your renewal.
Individuals and families in Medi-Cal HMO plans in 22 counties across the state may have to select a new health plan and doctors beginning January 2024. The Department of Health Care Services is transforming the Medi-Cal health plans with new requirements with the aim to improve health care quality. Implementation of the new contracts, along […]
Some people only learn they have been flipped into Medi-Cal when they are at their doctor’s office and the receptionist tells them their health insurance has been cancelled. What follows for many people is a nightmare scenario of trying to learn why their Covered California plan was terminated, who terminated it, why they are in Medi-Cal, and how to get of the Medi-Cal system.
The purpose of this All-County Welfare Directors Letter (ACWDL) is to provide counties with guidance regarding the elimination of assets for Non-Modified Adjusted Gross Income (Non-MAGI) Medi-Cal programs and the elimination of the requirement to compute and report potential overpayments based on excess property.
If there is no existing enrollment of any family member into a Covered California health plan, the default plan selection in most cases will be the lowest cost Silver plan. For many people with low incomes, there may be no monthly premium for the lowest cost Silver plan. If you don’t like the plan selection, you can change it.
Each county handles Medi-Cal eligibility and enrollment. The California Department of Health Care Services manages the Medi-Cal programs. You need to be in communication with your county Medi-Cal office to update information in the Medi-Cal system. To find your county office address, phone number, and website visit https://www.dhcs.ca.gov/services/medi-cal/Pages/CountyOffices.aspx
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