Health Net PPO members can schedule a visit from a Heal doctor to their house or hotel.
On-Demand Doctor House Calls
A New Service for Health Net PPO Members from Health Net Life Insurance Company (Health Net). Health Net is bringing primary, preventive and urgent care right to our members — literally. Starting May 1, 2018, your PPO clients — individuals and all group sizes — will have a new way to connect to care with a Heal doctor who can make house calls.
Meet Heal – a New Way to Connect to Care
- Primary, preventive and urgent care appointments at home, office or hotel.
- Appointments are available from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., seven days a week, in select urban areas. Members can check the eligibility of any address at www.heal.com/healthnet.
- A doctor and a medical assistant at every visit.
- The option of having anyone covered by their PPO health plan seen by the doctor – all in one Heal visit.
- The same out-of-pocket costs as a doctor visit. If more than one covered person is seen at the same visit, each one pays the same charge as a doctor office visit.
- A more convenient option to urgent care centers or emergency rooms for non-emergency situations.
Types of Heal Doctor House Calls include.
- Well-Child exams and vaccinations
- Sick Child
- School, camp, and sports physicals
- Lactation Services
Urgent Care
- Respiratory infection
- Virus
- Ear Infection
- Strep throat
- Sprains and strains
- Rash
- Vomiting
- Urinary Tract Infection
- Muscle and joint injuries
Primary Care
- Allergies
- Asthma
- High Blood Pressure
- High Cholesterol
- Fatigue
- Preventative Care
- Tdap vaccine
- Flu shots
- Physicals
- Depression screening
- Diet counseling
- Sexually transmitted infection screening
- Smoking cessation
- Women’s health services
The major regions serviced by Heal
- Berkeley
- Inland Empire
- Los Angeles
- Long Beach
- Oakland
- Orange County
- Sacramento
- San Diego
- San Francisco/ Silicon Valley
8am to 8 pm, 7 days per week.
In addition, IFP/IEX and SBG members will receive a new ID card that includes Heal contact information, so they have it right at their fingertips. Our large group members will get a new ID card at the group’s renewal.
Heal Health Net Doctor House Calls Flyer
Health Net PPO members can schedule a visit from a Heal doctor to their house or hotel.