Sole proprietors with small group plans might be surprised when they are notified that their current health insurance company will be discontinuing their coverage in 2014. With the advent of guarantee issue individual and family plans under the new Affordable Care Act (ACA), some carriers have already decided to discontinue issuing small group plans to sole proprietors.
Posts related to the implementation of the Affordable Care Act and potential changes to the rules, primarily in California.
Obamacare Education Launches in Sacramento
People and families from across the Sacramento region descended upon the Coffee Garden to help launch the outreach and educational campaign for the Affordable Care Act this past Sunday, August 4th. The local chapter of Organizing For Action in conjunction with UCDavis Health Systems presented an overview of the Covered California state health insurance marketplace organized under the health care reform legislation known as Obamacare.
Encouraging Young Adults Not To Purchase Health Insurance
The new strategy of the GOP and Tea Party unveiled this summer to derail Obamacare is to encourage young adults not to purchase health insurance. It is beyond my comprehension that they would rely on the government, either through the promise of the individual mandate or persuasive marketing, to deliver a certain percentage of young adults for enrollment.
Love your neighbor as yourself, Support Health Care Reform
As the nation prepares for the big roll out of outreach and education for the new health care reform state insurance exchanges, the fact can’t be obscured that actively advocating for the repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is in direct opposition to the holy scripture of many religious faiths to care for your neighbor […]
Can You Host a Health Care Reform Party at Your Home?
Senator Mitch McConnell (R-Ky) and John Cornyn (R-Tex) have sent letters to major league sports organizations urging them not to cooperate with the President Obama’s marketing push to make all U.S. citizens aware that they can enroll in affordable health insurance for 2014. Can you host a health care reform party at your home to push back against the organized opposition fighting to see the Affordable Care Act fail?
Aetna Drops Individual Health Insurance in California
Aetna hinted in their announcement that a combination of the new health insurance exchange and required benefits forced them to pull the plug on their individual plans. In recent years, Aetna has never been very competitive in terms of price with other carriers such as Anthem Blue Cross, Health Net and Blue Shield of California
Health Net rebates .3% to California group plans
Health Net announced that under the Affordable Care Act Medical Loss Ratio requirements they would be issuing a rebate of .3% to their small groups in California based on 2012 expenditures. The letters dated May 30, 2013 are being sent to the small group administrators and subscribers.
Covered California funds massive outreach and education effort
The overwhelming majority of the funds in the individual market are allocated to organizations targeting specific counties to promote Covered California.
COBRA, HIPAA plan member will save under Covered California
Seriously, can you fathom a middle income man paying over $8,000 per year for health insurance? From COBRA or HIPAA.
Blue Shield outlines new health insurance taxes
Blue Shield of California outlines the new health insurer and transitional reinsurance tax to be levied on all plans in 2014.