The confusion over the colonoscopy billing is detailed in a new report Coverage of Colonoscopies Under the Affordable Care Act’s Prevention Benefit.
California Insurance
Posts related to health and life insurance in California, Covered California, rates, subsidies, short term medical and travel plans.
U.K. Aviva health plans offer features U.S. wants
Even with socialized medicine, the U.K. still has a competitive private health insurance market place. For those folks that want some expanded coverage, discounts for staying healthy and not filing claims, health insurance plans like that offered by Aviva would seem like a natural choice.
VSP threats for government pie work
After Lynch’s threats to decamp from Sacramento and move to a state that really loved him surfaced, local leaders and politicians put the screws to the Exchange.
Medical Loss Ratio should include commissions
Even though entry level base commissions have been cut, insurance companies have not abandoned all monetary incentives for their outside sales representatives.
Hospital indemnity insurance scams
Hospital indemnity insurance is just one of the products that are fraudulently marketed as real health insurance. These indemnity plans are specifically targeting people with pre-existing conditions.
My days as a salesman are over
My “fire in the belly”, as sales professionals call it, has been extinguished. I’ll stick to what makes the passion bubble inside of me which is helping and educating people.
Gridlock starts with 50 Divided States of America
I have determined that the United States will constantly have retarded progress towards fixing our problems because many states are more interested in protecting their own turf than working as a unified body.
ACA will increase health insurance premiums
There will be upward pressure on health insurance premiums where states have not moved to include the EHBs and remove gender discrimination.
Advice to new insurance agents: don’t be like me
To me, stories are at best anecdotes and at worst flat out embellishments of the truth twisted to make the insurance product appealing.
Healthcare reform is not free!
Folks, please look at what you are saying and writing. You are implying that business is more important than the welfare of your neighbor. Really?