Medicare Educational Presentations Narrated Power Point presentations on the basics of Medicare: Parts A, B, & D Who is the audience for Medicare Educational presentations? Children of parents in or entering Medicare eligibility. People already in or transitioning to Medicare. Anyone who wants to know more about how this important health insurance program works. Medicare Educational […]
Post related to Medicare health insurance, Part A, Part B, Part C, and Part D prescription Drug Plans, Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement plans.
Medicare Melancholy
There is perhaps no consumer item as highly regulated in terms of product and marketing as health insurance for the 65+ year olds, also known as Medicare. The Center for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) regulates marketing materials down to the size and type of font. All literature, advertising, marketing events, telephone scripts must be approved […]
Can I make it to 65?
This week I have had an unusually high number of calls from people that can’t afford or can’t qualify for health insurance. I have virtually nothing to sell these folks to help them out. The mantra of most of the older folks is, “If I can only make to age 65”. Medicare: affordable guarantee issue […]