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Why I blog, It’s not to piss you off

My son reads his Kindle in between movies pretending not to notice all the folks in character for Rocky Horror.

I have always been told that if you want to be successful you need to follow your passion. Your passion never seems like work. After I got my website up for my business I read that blogging drives page views as people search for topics you blog about. I’ve always enjoyed writing so blogging was fairly easy for me to kick start and add to my website.

Business blogs are boring

Blogging exclusively about business gets really boring, really fast. To diversify and break up the monotony, I started composing blogs around trips, community events and local businesses. Once I overcame the initial inertia and structure to blogging, it has become very easy to pull a blog together in half a day. The time consuming part is editing the pictures for quick loading on the site.

A corrupting influence on my 15 year old son

The cool aspect of blogging is I can promote or review different events. My whole family went to the free showing of the Rocky Horror Picture show at Sutter’s Landing Park in Sacramento. Hoppy Brewing provided the beer that was a fundraiser for the Gender Health Center. There were 500 + of the nicest people you would ever want to meet. We all hung out together watching Stingray Sam, old personal hygiene movies from the ’50’s and a short dance from the Sacramento Sirens. The midnight showing of Rocky was typical with audience response, rice, toast and the pelvic thrust. Thank you city councilman Steve Cohn for working to pull a wonderful community event together.

Gossip isn’t fact

Another ingredient, for better or worse, is my compulsion to combat misinformation, myths and misunderstandings. While you can’t believe everything you read, see or hear on the Internet, you can usually triangulate different sources to verify a claim. Consequently, I find myself researching topics to provide clear information in blogs so people can make informed decisions.

This all segues into opinion and editorial blogging. I am not writing to piss off anyone. Usually, I have read a comment that screams, “Reply to me.” How many times have you thought of all the common sense reasons against a comment or you understand the historical context that is missing from the information? Someone needs to educate the world; it may as well be you.

He really took his son to Rocky Horror?

The significant downside to opinion blogging is that you alienate people. While I am never intentionally mean, I am sure I have lost more business than I have gained by my blog posts. For what it’s worth, I am being honest about who I am and what I believe in. I am tired of phony people. If you believe in something, walk the walk and write the right. Everything else will fall into place.

A blog a day, that’s all we ask

Part of my passion in life is to write and blog. It makes me happy. If in the course of pursuing one of my small passions you learn something about me that’s great. If it actually attracts a client to me: even better. Just remember, I am not blogging to anger you, just to spread a little information that I hope will at times answer a question or put a smile on someone’s face.

To become proficient in blogging is like becoming proficient at building bombs: eventually you’ll have one blow up in your face.

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