The enrollment of individuals and families under the expanded Medicaid provisions of the ACA is not a slam dunk with either the mailing in of an application or clicking “enroll” on a website. A variety of documents will usually need to be sent to complete the enrollment at the county level. Not submitting the verification documents could ultimately delay enrollment for people who desperately need the insurance.
Covered California
Posts on the development and implementation of the California health insurance market place, application, account, enrollment, termination.
Covered California mandated health plan cancellation
Within the contract that all insurance companies had to sign to offer health plans through Covered California was the stipulation that the “contractor” (aka insurance company or health plan) cancel all outstanding policies that didn’t comply with the ACA by December 31, 2013.
Bronze versus Silver Plan Pharmacy Benefits
Even though health insurance plans have been greatly simplified with the introduction of the metal tiers of Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum under the ACA, careful consideration should still be given when comparing the coverage and benefits. In particular, for many people that have recurring brand name prescriptions medications, selecting the least expensive Bronze plan […]
Is it time to boycott Covered California?
Thousands of health insurance agents across California have done what Covered California has asked us to do to become certified to sell their new health plans. Unfortunately, Covered California has not held up their end of the agreement by creating an agent system within the CalHEERS website that allows us to monitor the progress of an application or to know if we will ever get paid. I am now leaning toward taking my client business right to the carriers and boycotting Covered California altogether.
One woman’s quest for health insurance through Covered California
So I bit the bullet and attended a local community presentation by a volunteer from a Certified Educator for CoveredCA adding to the information I had recently researched online. After the talk, I conferred with the presenter who was a volunteer through Sacramento Mighty Oaks and stated my concerns about my situation. She was wonderful, gladly offering to be in touch with me with answers in the days that followed.
Did “We Connect” with Covered California?
The California Endowment teamed up with the Service Employees International Union- United Healthcare Worker West to host a “We Connect” event at the Sacramento Convention Center to enroll local residents in new Covered California Affordable Care Act health plans. While the production of the event was fairly glossy and festive, like many aspects of enrolling in the new ACA plans through Covered California there were many frustrations and challenges for attendees and volunteers
Covered California website: frustrations and failures
From problems with logging in, bad and missing information to the virtually inoperable agent dashboard, the Covered California web portal to enroll in new ACA health plans has serious issues that no one at the California Health Benefits Exchange wants to address openly.
Blue Shield delays cancellation of California health insurance
Blue Shield of California has agreed to allow upwards of 115,000 individual and family plan members to keep their existing policies through March 31, 2014. The press release from the office of Insurance Commissioner Jones indicated the agreement to allow the policy holders to keep their plans past the original December 31, 2013 cancellation date was the result of a late filing or notification requirement for plan closures on the part of Blue Shield.
Agents get sermon from Peter Lee of Covered California
From the sloppy training, poorly designed and broken website, lack of real information about plans to the patronizing pep talk tone of the webinars, I’m just about done with Covered California. If I didn’t feel so strongly about health care reform and the importance of the Affordable Care Act I would have cut my ties with Covered California long ago and just concentrated on keeping my current clients with their current carriers.
Covered California loses the children’s dental plan
I had just finished the family’s application into a new Covered California health plan when I realized that we hadn’t chosen a pediatric dental plan for their son. I had that sinking feeling when I screw up an application…or did I? According to a customer service agent, Covered California hasn’t released the children’s dental plans.