Historical fate could have left us with other constitutional rights that are just as thorny as a “well armed militia.”

Kevin Knauss: Health, History, Travel, Insurance
Posts related to coverage, prescription medications, benefits and providers under health insurance plans.
In yet another attempt to save mainline Christianity from itself, minister and professor Robin Meyers offers the latest recipe for success with The Underground Church, Reclaiming The Subversive Way Of Jesus. Even if the provocative title suggests more than what is actually delivered for a new Christian way forward, Meyers offers some salient observations and […]
To me he was just another unfamiliar face among some of the others in the rented seaside home. He appeared one evening when we returned from dinner. Mike was a young college kid, who we learned, was a friend and acquaintance of three of the other house guests. In essence, he was a stranger to […]
After any man made tragedy the circular reflection of potential inhibitors of the calamity starts. I say circular because the logic always seems to return to the beginning and the necessity for either divine intervention or clairvoyance. This is no different with the killings at Newtown, CT. The world of Adam Lanza violently collided with […]
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