The investors take it in the shorts so Buffet can look like the “Oracle from Omaha” when all he really did was perpetuate the sanctioned fleecing of investors through private equity firms and bankruptcy.

Kevin Knauss: Health, History, Travel, Insurance
Posts related to coverage, prescription medications, benefits and providers under health insurance plans.
A Texas judge has given temporary permission to allow high school cheerleaders to continue painting Bible verses on posters displayed at the football games. School district officials banned the slogans. Parents of the cheerleaders sued and the judge granted a temporary injunction against the ban until a full trial takes place on June 24, 2013. This is […]
With Governor Brown’s signature on AB 1846, California can now move forward with the development of Consumer Oriented and Operated Plans (CO-OP) health insurance programs for small groups and businesses.
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A non-profit is started with someone who has a passion for the cause, a population that needs help, and a vacuum for services that needs to be filled. The mission of a non-profit is challenged when the recipients are camera shy, volunteers are hard to come by and donors can’t understand the need. God will […]
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