The effect of marginalizing and denying same-sex relationships and marriage has manifested itself in generations of LGBT youth not fully embracing the concepts of monogamous relationships.
Health Care Insurane Coverage
Posts related to coverage, prescription medications, benefits and providers under health insurance plans.
Blue Shield of California Small Groups catch 18% credit on bills
An event bordering on miraculous happens when an insurance company gives you money back for no reason they can really articulate.
Chick-fil-A PR success or disaster?
Can I be Chik-fil-A just for a day for the publicity? Dan is more than welcome to start either an appreciation day or protest against my positions.
Andy Pugno gets slapped by Republican Party
Let’s take away any competitive race in the 6th Assembly District because it will hurt Ms. Conway’s ability to raise money for other Republican candidates.
Healthcare Reform Simplified: Medicare
Most of the emphasis of the ACA on Medicare is directed at reducing long term costs and increasing quality and coordination of care.
Avoid Medicare fraud with an independent agent
How can anyone make an informed Medicare decision when they are only presented with options from one insurance company?
Allow U.S. Postal Service to provide other services to survive
Postal delivery vehicles traverse nearly every residential road in America 6 days a week. Why can’t the letter carriers be allowed to perform other tasks such as reading water meters?
Celebrating Medicare’s birthday with Congressman Dan Lungren
We gathered at Congressman Dan Lungren’s Gold River district office to celebrate your birthday. Unfortunately, he was out of the office and could not greet all the festive seniors and supporters of Medicare.
Preserving Medicare, It’s American
We gathered in the Machinist Union Hall in Rancho Cordova to celebrate the 47th birthday of Medicare and discuss the changes that have occurred and might occur in the future.
Mt. Lassen isn’t Disneyland
Lassen is probably one of the best places in California if you really want a good work out of a hike. Even the shortest hikes, like down to Bumpass Hell, have significant elevation changes.