The splatter cones may be 27,000 years old but they look like they were formed last year. You can see how the hot lava was burped out of the hole in the ground and landed on the sides.
Health Care Insurane Coverage
Posts related to coverage, prescription medications, benefits and providers under health insurance plans.
Let the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta go natural
It is folly to suggest that you can restore the Delta to a specific point in time of stability when the Delta has been continuously changing for the last 60 years.
Gaines vs. Pugno: That’s my choice?
My choices are not between Gaines or Pugno, but whether to vote at all. Already, I have heard from fellow Democrats in the district that they have given up on voting in 2012.
Healthcare Reform Simplified: Prevention
While we still have not found a cure for the virtually eradicated polio illness, the vaccine stands as a testament to the adage, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”
Can “Take Down Dan Lungren” tackle the congressman?
On a sunny Sacramento afternoon I walked into the Take Down Dan Lungren campaign headquarters on Fair Oaks Blvd. to see half a dozen volunteers diligently working the phone bank.
How doulas support women and families during pregnancy
Doulas are a constant companion to answer questions and help the mother find her voice, literally and figuratively, when it comes to making decisions about how she wants to deliver her child.
Healthcare Reform Simplified: Business
Even without any mandated plans under the ACA, businesses have found it necessary to add and drop plan offerings in an attempt to stem the escalating premium increases. What isn’t changing is that health insurance premiums will still be deducted pre-tax on payroll.
Proposed Walmart, North Highlands, brings hope to the community
We have worked with numerous Walmart employees who have heard that calling to give back to the community. They may think they are just providing an interview session with some critique at the end, but their impact is far greater. They are the living embodiment of hope to many of our participants.
Advice to new insurance agents: don’t be like me
To me, stories are at best anecdotes and at worst flat out embellishments of the truth twisted to make the insurance product appealing.
Sacramento CFOs recognized for their strengths and guidance
The folks recognized as CFO’s of the year have made the tough calls and the results are financially stable organizations that are important contributors to the Sacramento region.