The cost of going without health insurance will be any penalty assessed plus the cost of medical services that might be needed. A truly debilitating disease will force him to liquidate his assets and enter the MediCal system.
Health Care Insurane Coverage
Posts related to coverage, prescription medications, benefits and providers under health insurance plans.
Fighting For Our Health: Richard Kirsch from the frontline
Kirsch leads us through the creation of the politically important HCAN independent coalition and the political battles that were to ensue. As the National Campaign Manager for HCAN, Kirsch was on the frontline when reform would come under attack from the Tea Party, reluctant congressional Democrats, media personalities and the White House itself.
Healthcare Reform Simplified: Individuals and Families
Health insurance plan premiums will be based on your age, location and the type of plan you choose. Insurance companies will not be able to increase your rates because of pre-existing conditions or gender.
WellPoint to acquire Medicaid administrator
All of this is further evidence that the ACA is prompting large health insurance companies to position themselves to make the most of healthcare reform from either the private market or through government contracts.
Marin Headlands: a secluded world of hiking, history and scenery
While the military played a prominent role in shaping the headlands all of that becomes a spec when you hike to the top of the surrounding ridges and cliffs. Words fail as you see fast moving layers of marine clouds waft over ridges and disappear into blue sky.
American Action Network misleads on Medicare, campaigns for Dan Lungren
The poorly designed advertisement is little more than a campaign endorsement for Dan Lungren who is running for re-election the 3rd congressional district in California. At the same time it attempts to scare seniors with statements that are pure fiction.
Healthcare reform is not free!
Folks, please look at what you are saying and writing. You are implying that business is more important than the welfare of your neighbor. Really?
Insurance advocates navigate nightmare billing issues
There are times when you need someone to untangle the health insurance billing knot for you or a loved one. A professional insurance advocate will not sell insurance.
The ultimate in being responsible, seeking funds for health insurance
Truly, this gentleman has been and wants to be fully responsible for his health insurance. It has to be a humbling experience to discuss your medical and financial situation on camera to total strangers.
Why do we need healthcare reform?
The U.S. does a decent job of helping a variety of different groups of people get access and affordable healthcare through either insurance or direct aid. Folks in the middle are at the mercy of the market place.