On July 1, 2012 three different bills will go into effect that will enhance and expand maternity services covered by health insurance plans and protect women when taking FMLA for pregnancy isssues.
Health Care Insurane Coverage
Posts related to coverage, prescription medications, benefits and providers under health insurance plans.
Why I support approval of the Healthcare Insurance Rate Changes Initiative
Because of the restricted market place for health insurance and the increasing costs of insurance to families and companies, we need addition monitoring to make sure that consumers are paying a fair price for their health insurance.
Expanded Maternity Services for California Group Plans starting July 1, 2012
Health insurance companies offering group plans in the California market will be updating some of their plans to comply with new maternity services definitions and expansion. AB 210 (Roger Hernández): Maternity services 10123.866. (a) Commencing no later than July 1, 2012, every group health insurance policy shall provide coverage for maternity services for all insureds […]
Medicare Supplement Plan Premium Comparison: Sacramento and Placer Counties
Medicare Supplement Comparison of guarantee issue at age 65 monthly preiums by provider and plan**. For Sacramento and South Placer County, pricing as of April 15th, 2012
Sacramento Kings Maloof brothers public relations blunder
Have the Maloof brothers no clue or understanding how they just de-valued their franchise as a result of their comments alienating their fans?Professional sports teams are valued not by “Wins”, but on paid attendance, merchandise sales and media contracts.
Can you tell your neighbors they are not worthy of health insurance?
The worst part of my job is telling people that the insurance company has determined that they are an unacceptable risk and they have been declined for a health insurance policy.
Pre-existing medical condition? Not my problem? Don’t get old!
We all contribute to social security and medicare..whether were 18 or 25 or 55. We all will be consumers of health care…why would we exclude anybody from the responsibility of taking care of our collective health?
Healthcare reform: the emphasis should be on care and not insurance
You don’t purchase car insurance before you have bought the car. Similarly, why should you be forced to purchase health insurance before you know what type of cancer or heart attack you are going to have?
Who really has to purchase health insurance under the individual mandate?
What the study spot lights is that a small percentage of the U.S. population (approximately 7%) will actually have to purchase health purchase coverage because they currently have no coverage.
Granite Bay and Folsom Lake Trails: little used nature oasis
In the summer, I can feel the familiar crunch of the decomposed granite underneath my bike tires as I pull onto the trail. You will here a collage of Spanish, English, Hmong, Cantonese and Hindi all coming from different families feasting at picnic tables next to one another.