Even though entry level base commissions have been cut, insurance companies have not abandoned all monetary incentives for their outside sales representatives.
Posts related to the implementation of the Affordable Care Act and potential changes to the rules, primarily in California.
Aetna finds profit opportunity under ACA Medicaid
Significant in Aetna’s press about their purchase of Coventry is their statement, “Coventry will increase our presence in Government business.” Medicaid will mean big dollars to insurance companies under the ACA.
Gridlock starts with 50 Divided States of America
I have determined that the United States will constantly have retarded progress towards fixing our problems because many states are more interested in protecting their own turf than working as a unified body.
ACA will increase health insurance premiums
There will be upward pressure on health insurance premiums where states have not moved to include the EHBs and remove gender discrimination.
Healthcare Reform Simplified: Medicare
Most of the emphasis of the ACA on Medicare is directed at reducing long term costs and increasing quality and coordination of care.
Healthcare Reform Simplified: Prevention
While we still have not found a cure for the virtually eradicated polio illness, the vaccine stands as a testament to the adage, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”
Healthcare Reform Simplified: Business
Even without any mandated plans under the ACA, businesses have found it necessary to add and drop plan offerings in an attempt to stem the escalating premium increases. What isn’t changing is that health insurance premiums will still be deducted pre-tax on payroll.
How much will insurance cost under health care reform?
The cost of going without health insurance will be any penalty assessed plus the cost of medical services that might be needed. A truly debilitating disease will force him to liquidate his assets and enter the MediCal system.
Fighting For Our Health: Richard Kirsch from the frontline
Kirsch leads us through the creation of the politically important HCAN independent coalition and the political battles that were to ensue. As the National Campaign Manager for HCAN, Kirsch was on the frontline when reform would come under attack from the Tea Party, reluctant congressional Democrats, media personalities and the White House itself.
Healthcare Reform Simplified: Individuals and Families
Health insurance plan premiums will be based on your age, location and the type of plan you choose. Insurance companies will not be able to increase your rates because of pre-existing conditions or gender.