Life insurance sales people are very good at calculating the astronomical amount of life insurance you should buy and all the good reasons for the purchase.
California Insurance
Posts related to health and life insurance in California, Covered California, rates, subsidies, short term medical and travel plans.
Covered California Health Exchange to Launch Website
While the whole database of different health insurance plans to be offered has yet to be integrated into the site, the fact that Covered California has come out of the closet eight months before show time is great.
Health insurance industry masks opposition to healthcare reform
Health insurers cloak their opposition in the form of membership and donations to organizations that appear to be consumer friendly but advocate for changes in the ACA that will benefit the insurance companies.
Governors Ignore Health Insurance Exchange and Citizens
Governors who ignore involvement in the health insurance exchanges are only setting up their citizens for higher health insurance premiums.
Insurers cut costs, increase profits in response to MLR rule
The initial response from insurers to meeting the MLR underscores how flexible these companies can be to altering their business practices to meet government regulations.
Outreach and Educational Grants for Health Insurance Exchange, Covered California
Central to the success of Covered California in enrolling an estimated 5 million uninsured residents, half of which will qualify for low-income subsidies, is a robust educational and outreach program. Covered California to accept grant proposals for outreach and education.
Anthem Blue Cross Cites Uneven Inflation For 2013 Rate Increases
While there is no doubt that healthcare costs are escalating, there may be other reasons beyond pure inflation that is driving Anthem and other carriers to seek rate increases.
Bureaucracy will kill Obamacare
The PCIP would not let me navigate the bureaucracy on his behalf to resolve the billing issue. They insisted they could only talk to the policy holder.
Corporations stifle social media free speech
Corporations hate free speech and social media because they can’t control the message. I will not be a cheerleader for any company’s marketing that I think is meant to promote a skewed image of the company.
Nationwide agrees to cough up life insurance to California
California Department of Insurance, along with several states, announced a settlement with Nationwide companies to pay old unclaimed life insurance benefits to the states and reform its business practices.