Some of the most uninspiring logos can be found in the insurance industry. When I first got into the insurance field as an independent agent I decided to play it safe and not attempt to create a logo. But as my website has become more popular, and I recently published a book, I found myself considering images that reflect me and what I represent. The result is probably a logo-failure by professional standards, but one I really enjoy looking at. It is a stylized concrete arch bridge over a body of water.
Kevin Knauss
Posts about Kevin Knauss, his opinion, analysis, work as insurance agent, history writing, hiking, or his tattoos.
Diary of a Grand Juror in Placer County
As I conclude two years on the Placer County Grand Jury I’m struck by how the experience was so completely different than I could have ever imagined. There were periods of intense frustration, brought on by my own personal view of organization and commitment, and moments of satisfaction that we were reporting on important aspects of local government. My experience was not unique. All the Grand Jurors I served with felt alternatively gratified by our work while carrying the weight acrimonious debate and fellow jurors who failed to carry their work load.
Use my art for free, copyrights are stupid
Copyright laws help institutionalize greed and perpetuate an inflated sense of self-worth on the part of the creator or artist. Any true and original work will be revered and respected by the public with proper attribution to the creator. While copyright laws are necessary for the unauthorized reproduction of a creative piece for the purposes of generating a profit, most copyright laws should cease when the creator dies.
Covered California Board Meeting, January 2014
At the January 23, 2014 Covered California Board meeting I made public comments regarding the numerous applications for enrollment that had failed to be transmitted to chosen health insurance carriers. I have documented the numerous instances where I’ve enrolled individuals and families into a Covered California health plan only to learn the health insurance company never received the data.
Covered California and ACA Educational Meetings
After giving presentations in Oroville and Chico, it was apparent that I should offer the educational seminar to other communities in Northern California that want to learn more about this new health insurance market place call Covered California. I am now offering presentations on the features and benefits of Covered California to large and small groups.
Uncontrollable Itching On Arms, Neck from Stress and Anxiety
My first memory of the prolonged itching sensation on my arms and neck was during a summer school biology course when I was 14 years old. The distraction of constantly wanting to scratch while trying to focus on cutting up a frog was pure torture. This seemingly random condition, for which no other friend or family member suffered, would follow me through young adulthood and on into middle age.
Have I Sold Out With Google Ads On My Website?
The question I was faced with was if by adding Google ads I was selling out and abandoning my core business? It might actually scare some folks away from calling me if they perceive my website as just another advertising sink. But what do I have to lose?
Powder Keg of Unpopular
I have always gotten the sense that both Jackie and Jerry reluctantly participated in the network marketing game for their services.
Conservative voter guides distort candidate positions
I am fairly certain that if I answered their questions truthfully they would certainly mark me with the sign of the devil in their voter guide and admonish the voters that a vote for me would surely be their ticket to hell.
Does NOH8 label haters?
harboring an irrational hatred and fear of people that pose no threat to your life and liberty is not an acceptable means of determining public policy that affects your neighbor.