As I studied the variety of paver catalogs, my eyes kept coming back to the concrete cobble stone pavers. I liked the lines, shadows, colors, and certain random nature of the small irregular cobble stone paver. As real granite cobble stones were out of my budget, the target became one of the manufactured concrete cobble stone-like pavers. To complicate the design, we wanted to keep the walkway as a design element as it is a welcoming feature leading guests to the front door. The walkway would need to be a different style of paver.
Kevin Knauss
Posts by Kevin Knauss not related to health insurance or other categories, usually editorials, travel essays, food, pictures and maps.
Snowshoeing Through History at Royal Gorge Donner Summit
Snowshoeing is hard work. You can quickly work up a sweat. Unless it is windy and very cold, you will be taking off your heavy goose down jacket shortly after commencing your hike. I have found that a leather jack is very comfortable, similar to what the immigrants wore, because it breaths and does not retain too much body heat.
One Year Review – 2020 Kia Niro PHEV EX Premium
At $40,000 the 2020 Kia Niro PHEV EX Premium compact SUV was the most expensive car I ever considered buying. After one year, the Niro has met my standards for a semi-premium vehicle. First, it is comfortable for my 6 foot and 1 inch height. I can drive for hours and never get a back or leg ache. One reason for the limited stress on my frame is the adaptive cruise control on the highway. I set the speed and car lengths between me and the car in front of me and the car does the rest. All I have to do is pay attention to the road and my surroundings. The adaptive cruise controls the car and saves gas because the vehicle stays at a relatively constant speed.
BeHear Hearing Aid Solution with Mobile Phone and Streaming Music
On a recent hiking excursion where I was leading a group of people on a history hike, I was able to try the different modes. Public speaking events, where I have to field questions, has been particularly difficult for me with my hearing loss. The Live Music mode suppressed the side noises and the person in front of me sounded clear, even when they were twenty feet away. I did switch to Outdoor mode so I could easily talk to the person next to me as we were hiking on the trail.
Mid Century Modern Home Bathroom Remodel
Overall, the bathroom remodel does not scream mid-century modern. It is more comfortably modern with some warmth from the natural wood vanity. I think it will age well. If we sell the house, there is a tub for children to have their bath time, so the family aspect of the room is not lost.
It’s About Time Abortion Was Banned
A woman’s right to an abortion should be a constitutional amendment. Only when a woman’s health care decisions are specifically enumerated within the constitution will this religious fascism dictating what a woman can do with her body finally be subdued.
Natoma Ditch Slope Salmon Falls to Mormon Island
A dam site at Salmon Falls was too low in elevation to allow for the ditch to exit the river canyon between Red Bank and Mormon Island. Consequently, the dam site was moved to Rocky Bar which had an elevation of approximately 450 feet. With a small dam across the river, the headwaters for the canal would be elevated to 465 feet. The minimal slope of the ditch line would put the water canal at between 390 to 395 feet of elevation at the saddle.
The Defense of Theodore Judah and the Transcontinental Railroad
My Dear Mrs. Judah, a subject which has often been upon my mind, and upon which I have often intended to write to you has quite recently been renewed itself with more than usual force. History is now being made for California and much of it false. You know with what studious zeal efforts have been in a certain quarter to bury the memory of Theo. D. Judah out of sight to the future reader of the history of California. You know also how some of his friends have endeavored at times to preserve that memory.
The Negro Bar Water Canal Mining Dispute of 1851
About one week after this while I was at work on Tennessee Bar, I saw deft with another man going to that part of the race which is made of lumber and is called the “Break”. He said he was going to cut it down. I followed him, he cut it down and let the water in the river. The direct consequence of which was that water overflowed what is called the Middle Bar of the Virginia Co. on which was located plaintiff’s claim. This was about three weeks ago.
Natural Bridges Tunnels and Tubing
From the main exit, where the main trail ends, I walked the short distance to the entrance or opening where Coyote Creek enters. The entrance is more spectacular than the exit. The exit opening is around eight feet in height. The entrance is at least 30 feet and the interior soars even higher. It is this section that most resembles a gothic cathedral. At the entrance, there are several large bedrock mortars, six inches in width and depth that indicate Native Americans were present long before the Europeans arrived.